FMA's All Pairing Challenge Community for Adults' Journal
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Sunday, July 1st, 2007

    Time Event
    Month 15- Sign Up Sheet

    Original poster: ffq_mod

    It's good to be the fuhrer. You get to live in a big house, with servants and underlings at your beck and call night and day. And when you happen to be a bad ass homunculi with a charming smile and a reputation for utter ruthlessness, well let's just say "make it so" usually does make it so.

    Want a promotion? In a bit of hot water? Need a favor? Bradley will scratch your back – so to speak. He's the head of the country after all. It's his job to keep an eye out for the needs of his people. And, of course, if he has needs, too, that just makes him human… sort of.

    Month 14: Fuhrer Bradley (Manga Wrath/Anime Pride)
    Suck it up, people. )
    And just in case you need to run like hell from your pairing, FFQ now comes with a handy dandy drop sheet. Guaranteed good until the 22nd of the month.

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