Wednesday, June 12th, 2013

Happy birthday. I hope it is not too terrible of a birthday. Do you have plans for the day?

Added in a bit later...

Regina would like to go to Greece for the day for her birthday. Would you like to come along?
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Tuesday, June 11th, 2013


(1a) How often do people disappear - leave - here are people sent home?
(1b) How often are people brought here?
(2) Has a pattern been worked out for their arrivals and departures or is all just whimsical?
(3) Are people brought here/sent home for any particular reason?
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Monday, June 10th, 2013

[ooc: There's some random scribbling about spells for brooms...namely the ones they used for the particular broom they were making.]

Please note the ground is not as soft as it may appear

That did not go exactly as planned...
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Sunday, June 9th, 2013

booze & biscuits for anyone who needs em.

Now who wants to take me on a date?

added later
I'm mad at you now.
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Emmeline Vance is gone. She was heading up the setup of law enforcement in this new home base and starting training for those interested. I don't want her work to be in vain so I'd like to continue organizing that and setting it up. Anyone who was interested, let me know. I could also use someone with magic to help out in organizing and training because that's an area I just can't help with.
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Well. I'm definitely not in London anymore. Maybe? I don't know. This looks like a village, not a compound. Can anyone see this? I'm pretty sure a homeless person chloroformed me, dragged me into some back alley clinic, and tried to convince me I've been kidnapped to live as a lab rat by a group of mad scientists. They, of course, counted themselves among the latter regime of dastardly brains, tasked with poking and prodding the puny humans to discern what makes them tick. Now, that being said, I would totally discount it if London wasn't (a) not London, and (b) so bloody empty. Seriously. Where is everyone? And everything? The streets aren't the same, nor are the buildings, ergo this is not London. Ergo, where have I been kidnapped to? Please don't say compound run by mad scientists. Please.

P.S. Where's Gamma Block? Is it a street? I have a flat you know. It's on NOT Gamma Black.
P.P.S. Can someone contact my Editor and tell him that his most favorite and efficient junior photographer, Prudence Creevey, has been kidnapped in the name of SCIENCE?
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One minute, I was in the hospital. The next, there was a rather old man telling me to go find a job. I never expected Hell to look so much like London, but the expectation of bureaucracy has remained rather the same. I did expect it to be somewhat more crowded, though.

I'm so sorry, Layla. I failed yo
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Er- I have to give a charms practical for fifth years tomorrow so I should probably get going.

How did I get here anyway?
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Friday, June 7th, 2013

Is there a pub and if so will someone please point me in that direction?
I thank you in advance.
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Are there bicycles here? A bicycle shop or maker or (...) ?

[Private: Walburga BlackTHG]
Wherever you are, come to the kitchen.

[Private: Dorea Blackcolour]
Thank you. You're cupcakes are amazing and also I love you.
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Warded to: Kate Ridgebit-Black
I think we may be here a while, which means that we need to start a new operation. With Sam out of town, this is the perfect time to scout locations and start making plans. Do you want to be my coconspirator again?
What's the prettiest place you have seen around here? I've seen some remarkable things, for a town of Scotland-England-Wales-Ireland-France-ia. I try not to tinker so long I don't get out. But I've not seen everything yet.
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Thursday, June 6th, 2013

Who's in charge of the pamphlet?
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Wednesday, June 5th, 2013

Speaking of physical training, are any of you sorcerers lot trained in the martial arts? I'm sure magic is useful for fighting but you seem rather limited to those sticks. Knock it away and hand-to-hand could be a nice surprise. Plus, it's fun.

Wouldn't mind setting up some sort of classes or even a dojo if anyone's interested. Sorry for the lack of shirtless photo, but I have to give you a reason to come, yea?

[ hannah ]

I just realized I'm 26 years old and this is the first time I've been away from the academy since I was eleven, minus the year training at the JIC. You're my first actual flatmate.
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As much as I enjoyed the club at home, I have to admit, a clothing shop is not half bad. Though, I may end up buying far too many clothes
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What we really need here is a food delivery service and a time machine, this way someone could bring me a sandwich five minutes ago.
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During my explorations of our current world, I couldn't help but notice that there is now a school here for our younger folks to attend. (...) Given that my chosen career back home was teaching, I was wondering if there might be any positions open there and if so, who can I direct my inquiries to about obtaining a job? My qualifications include: Master of Transfiguration, registration as an animagus, along with outstanding academic marks that can be provided as needed.

Moving onward, who's up for a pick up match on the Pitch? Nothing serious, but I have missed Quidditch something awful. I'll even take one-on-one if I can get it.

And what does this (...)

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Tuesday, May 28th, 2013

This place is strange different. Are we meant to work? I've never-

Wherever you are, I want to go. If you don't agree, I'll steal your covers. [...] And your bed.
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Sunday, May 26th, 2013

Dinosaurs. Nothing. And now this.

Take the chocolate river and give me back my research materials. Though I find myself combining our first trip with our current one. It is strange to think of dinosaurs roaming around here. Strange, and entertaining.

(...) and what, in the name of Merlin, is this dreadful noise? Please tell me music does not devolve to this in the future.
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Saturday, May 25th, 2013

I think a dinosaur ate my pamphlet. You know. From the first time we did this? Or maybe it floated off into space. OR MAYBE A GIANT CANDY FISH ATE IT. Sweet Merlin how often does this happen? Does this happen often? People seem alarmed which I should take as a no, yes? Is it a no? Are we in space? Where's the bloody pamphlet?

[Private: Anyone who is remotely related to Alphard, in any and all worlds]
Please tell me you all (a) have your limbs, (b) have not floated off into space, (c) have not been eaten alive by a candy fish, and (d) are okay.

[Private: Florean Fortescuecolour]
Are you okay?

[Private: Walburga BlackTHG]
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all I saw was chocolate river and skinnydipping
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