Wednesday, May 29th, 2013

Was 'rockstar' on your bucket list, too?
Did it mean
Next time, can you at least have the decency
Ever heard of silencing wards?


I know this is a delayed reaction, but I'm sorry Gryffindor disappeared. Are you alright?

I really like the idea of a job. The kind you earn, and are proud of, and not one that you settle for because you have no other options.

You could meet somebody who really loves you
So you go and you stand on your own
And you leave on your own
And you go home and you cry and you want to die
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So, I'm sure many of you recall my brief stint as Minister Saggy Bollocks a few worlds back. I need to assemble a boss cabinet for future political shenanigans. I'm not sure what I'm running for, but MRS. THEODORA THUNDERCAT LUPIN FOR WHATEVER-THE-FUCK-IT-IS.

Sorry, cats with brain injuries. You must find another surgeon. Adieu.

Who wants to be a part of my politicapocalypse?
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[theo, theodore; victorien, albus and mr. gamma, as well]
Everyone seems rather intent on establishing occupations and I was thinking that, if you have not picked a profession as of yet, we made an excellent team at the Ministry.
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I've never felt more productive than I did when I went into pediatrics. I was a barista for a long time and then I taught a few fitness classes on the side but it was never the same as putting on my scrubs, working with sick children to help them feel better. My dad was the best pediatrician I knew and it was fulfilling following in his footsteps.

I think I'll do that here, too. We have a lot of Healers but I can't imagine doing anything different.
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Tuesday, May 28th, 2013

It is really rude to not tell someone you're living with that there is a good possibility of them walking in on you playing naked adult twister with someone. NEXT TIME USE A SOCK, CHARLIE. AND I CAN'T EVEN LOOK AT YOUR ANIMAL FACES THE SAME, EVER AGAIN, TONKS.

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Are we going to be staying here for good, then?

I'll be taking my old job at the hospital, I think. But probably also doing some other things. The hospital can't really be that busy here, can it? I'd hope it wouldn't be.

I also hope it's not too much to ask for us all to live near each other, even if not together.
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Hmm... Ministry work or to try something new. It's always a question of do you stick to what you're good at or do you decide to bugger all and try your hand at writing a sci-fi series for the radio or drawing comic books (granted I can't draw to save my life!)

Think we should transfer the photo wall here? It seems like a more permanent thing being here. We can use one of the sides of the buildings and treat it so that it doesn't go anywhere...

Who are you rooming with? The place I found it's just me... I'm really hating living alone. I'm used to having Scorp and Tali running about the place. Well... Talia anyway. It's too quiet. I think I want roommates!
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It's still really hard to believe. This place looks so much like where I grew up on the outside and the house... It's exactly like I remember it. I haven't seen much of it recently, been too busy staying at HQ. I have to admit that when I was brought here I never thought I'd see it again...

I've been thinking about maybe getting a job at the Apothecary's while we're here. Getting my mastery... I have to say that I'm still rather curious as to why we're here. But I've been looking through old entries and it seems to be a question that permeates. If we don't get answers, maybe here we can at least build a little. Literally. Wish you were here Sev. I miss you.

Do we have any Potions Masters on compound?

After being here as long as you have, it's nice to have a place to hang your hat. How are you, Lily and the boys settling in? I saw Remus returned. Looks like things are looking up.

I was wondering. You know me well, James, I can tell, wouldn't have nicknamed you otherwise (by the way I think it fits perfectly! Do I still owe you cake?) if I had questions, about my future, would you answer them? There were some things that weren't quite clear. Names that I can't identify.

Would you like to get some tea?

Feeling better?

How would you feel about coming and exploring this new place with me?
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Are we all meant to be playing happy families now? How interesting.

Home sweet home.

I think I'm back to being fun. It's high time we caught up.
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Excellent. I'm reopening my shop.

So, what're your plans?
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Monday, May 27th, 2013

Who: SiriusKnap and Sirilla
What: Some Padfeet time
When: Monday evening
Where: Outdoors
Warnings: None

... )
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Those of you with a penchant for art should come help Kate and I decorate. Our flat back home was covered in doodles from growing up, so I'd like to have them filled here as well. It's an open invitation!
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It's a shame there's not a job here like the one I have back home. I'm pretty fond of it.

[ Mum ]

If you ever feel worried about my living conditions in your future, my flat's here. You can come see it, if you want.
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[newest hannah]
So [...] you haven't told your mum who you are?
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I like this place.

[toma, alby, janie]
I don't know what you all were planning to do about a house, but if you still want me to stay with you, I want to. Wherever you've decided to stay. But I'm going to stay with my mum tonight, okay?
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So what is an actor supposed to do in a town where there are no television studios?

Have you found a place to live yet, douce sœur? My flat has an extra room, which you get first dibs on if you would like.

[His siblings and cousins, all worlds]
I saw we have a little generational get together, hm? I haven't seen most of you yet, and I'd really like to.
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Marauder House. For any of you that aren't settling down in other nests. Yes yes very yes?
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her Harry
I don't know where you would like to stay, and if you choose to stay with Albus, that is perfectly alright, but I will always have a room for you at my house, okay, love?

And your godfather, Sirius, is here. Have you spoken to him yet?
her Sirius
How are you settling in?

I talked to Harry and he'd really like to meet you. Are you free for dinner any particular day this week?
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I assume we are meant to take a job here. [...] Are there positions available at the hospital?

[arayna, his harry, blaise, draco(s)]
Would any of you be interested in a roommate?

[mum & arion]
Where are you two living?
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[tonkses + extended tonks family, all worlds]
I found a house that looks a lot like the one I had at home, but I think I would prefer a bigger place. I would very much like to have one big family home for all of us that are here, or at least all of you that are amenable. If you'd prefer to live on your own, please live nearby, at the least.
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