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flipped rpg.

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[02 Aug 2013|06:11am]
So, I could have gone my whole life without seeing a dead body. It was horribl
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[02 Aug 2013|06:13am]
We're going to tighten the wards on your flat, alright?
This is bullshit.
82 comments|post comment

[02 Aug 2013|07:06am]
These people killed me. My baby. I won't let them do it agai Roll call, please.
39 comments|post comment

[02 Aug 2013|09:28am]


You are wonderful and I love you.

See? He didn't kill our baby. And now we know we have a babysitter for when we need one.
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[02 Aug 2013|01:38pm]
What do you know about babies?
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[02 Aug 2013|02:36pm]

"Love. You can learn all the math in the 'Verse, but you take a boat in the air that you don't love, she'll shake you off just as sure as the turning of the worlds. Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down, tells you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens. Makes her a home."
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[02 Aug 2013|11:35pm]
Who: Alecto and Amycusthg
When: After this sometime. Idk. TIME IS RELATIVE
Where: A field somewhere
What: Bad news bears
Warnings: Probably slight violence and angry times

There's comfort in the fingers of your good intent )
8 comments|post comment

[02 Aug 2013|11:42pm]
Who: Regulus Blackthg and Amycus Carrowthg
When: August 2nd, early afternoon
Where: a cafe in London
What: talking about the future
Rating/Status: low/incomplete

witty text goes here )
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