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[01 Aug 2013|02:29am]
'm just sayin'

should be more sisters


just sayin'
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[01 Aug 2013|08:47am]
Time to get prepared.

Looks like things won't be so boring here after all.

I have never regretted this mark on my arm more than now.
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[01 Aug 2013|08:55am]
what's the wiggly thing in the sky?
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[01 Aug 2013|03:20pm]
How strong are the wards on our flat?
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[01 Aug 2013|03:22pm]
Laughable at best.
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[01 Aug 2013|03:27pm]
[Warded to DA and Resistance across all Worlds, also his parents]

I have set up three safe houses around town. We'll need more but they'll work as our current BOO for now. I have them warded but I would be more comfortable if someone with more experience looked them over.

I may have made a couple of trip mines and explosives if anyone wants to use them but considering the situation I'd say we can hold off on them for now. Also armed guards with rotations at each house would be nice as well as plain clothes observers to help keep the peace.

I have my handgun and my wand but we'll need a bigger armory.

We'll also need to divide up into positions, that way we each have a goal and focus and we can discuss strategy based on our divisions and skillsets. It helps us provide for a wider range of needs and we've found that this works well back home.

I've been fighting this war for a long time and in that time I've learned a lot about the art of battle. Maybe this one is different from the one I know but I'm not waiting around for more people to die.

We need a strategy meeting, a proper one where we can talk direction but until then I want everyone to keep communicating and to help with the current fortifications.
35 comments|post comment

[01 Aug 2013|05:19pm]
[Only Baby World can see]

No. I did not leave a world of babies just so some bitches could start killing people without magic. That's utter bloody nonsense. What the f Da
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[01 Aug 2013|05:21pm]
Ah, memories.

Looks like we've got a situation on our hands. I'm really too fucking old for this, but if this escalates, I'll help.
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after this. [01 Aug 2013|05:47pm]

Do not think we have forgotten. We will cleanse the filth from this world, and any that you send us to.
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[01 Aug 2013|06:29pm]
[...] I don't understand.
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[01 Aug 2013|07:28pm]
Daddy? Why is everyone acting worried? Did something bad happen?
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[01 Aug 2013|07:41pm]
[ Regen + Ronuwn + Janeswap ]

Worst timing ever? Those of you who think I [ ... ] might be too slow to box your ears for acting recklessly, rem[ ... ]ember I can still apparate.
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[01 Aug 2013|10:57pm]
What does this place have in the way of sleeping aids? I'm certain my sister is growing as weary of me waking her up screaming as I am of doing it.

[Warded to Games World, excluding Alecto]
Thank you all for not telling my sister how our Games ended. I don't know how much longer I can put off telling her know she has a right to know and I will tell her. As soon as I figure out how.

[Warded to Games World Andromeda Black]
Do you know how hard it is for me not to tell Regulus how much I love him whenever I see him? I feel like I'm going insane
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