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flipped rpg.

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[23 Jun 2013|12:00am]
You still here, dear?
Knock knock.
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[23 Jun 2013|12:23am]
Who: John and Lily Potter
What: Johnny didn't get sent back; so he's going to be in a world of trouble
Where: The Potter House
When: Late evening, post departures
Warning: Yelling and emotions?

Read more... )
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[23 Jun 2013|12:46am]
Tonight is one of those nights when I remember why I stayed in Romania. I'm glad the reserve is closer to the people I love this time, though.
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[23 Jun 2013|01:11am]
I'm sorry if I scared anyone.
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[23 Jun 2013|01:23am]
Private to his Remus

Can I spend the night with you?
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[23 Jun 2013|01:27am]
Fucking meddlesome.
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[23 Jun 2013|01:34am]
I'm officially over today.

[Mr. Gamma]
Astrid Black. Taking responsibility for the fact that I will probably be irresponsible tonight.
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[23 Jun 2013|01:39am]
He'll be back. He came back last time. He'll be back.

Please bring him back.
64 comments|post comment

[23 Jun 2013|02:40am]
[ private, bromeo can read ]
That's it. I'm done. I get to know them, then they leave. They come back, but they don't know me.

I just can't anymore.

My grandmother's gone too.
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[23 Jun 2013|09:11am]
Another week. Every day I miss my sister more and more. And now there's a new me. Mum's me...

[THG Regulus]
Hi there. I'm Regina. The girl you.

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[23 Jun 2013|01:34pm]
I'm going to make a picnic for today. My Uncle Peter was helping me find ways to be happy here, and it's too beautiful of a day not to celebrate the time our loved ones had with us before they were returned home. Anyone is welcome to join me, and I'll have some sandwiches, thermoses of tea, and some other snacks if anyone cares to join me.

WARDED TO LILYblood and knap
I know it hurts, and I just wanted to tell you that I love you so very much.
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[23 Jun 2013|02:40pm]
not fun drinking ain't [...] very fun, s'true.
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[23 Jun 2013|02:43pm]
warded against theo lupinswap
Wits' end. At the end of one's wits. Cannot think of any more solutions to a problem you cannot solve.
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[23 Jun 2013|02:44pm]
[Warded to Dorea Black + people living with her]
Probably know better than to ask, but why is there a bear puppet in the kitchen? I don't remember last night getting that weird.
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[23 Jun 2013|02:55pm]
    With the recent arrival of my cousin, I think it might be lovely if we all got together soon for a dinner party. I will host, cook, and take care of everything. You simply need RSVP here, and I will get back together with a date that suits us all.
107 comments|post comment

[23 Jun 2013|03:11pm]
Wocka wocka
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[23 Jun 2013|03:16pm]
Hexed Private

Every day that goes by I keep hoping that one of my friends shows up.  I can't be too demanding, but it gets tough and lonely.  I have been doing my best to be positive and make friends, but I can't help but feel like I am intruding on other people's friendships at times.  It would be nice if at least one person I was friends with would show up.  Michael Corner. Marietta, my Padma, Terry, Anthony, the list goes on. 

I miss all of them so much.  I even get jealous when people talk about missing their loved ones that left this place.  They are so lucky to even have them here at all.  Not all of us are that lucky.  I would do anything to have one of my loved ones here for just one day.

I know how selfish I sound right now.  I am not a bad person for thinking that way, right?

End private

It seems like more people left again yesterday.  I am noticing more people leaving than are showing up or that could be just me?

Oh and by the way, when will anything come of the Department heads we signed up for?  I just remembered that this morning and had to ask it.
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[23 Jun 2013|03:57pm]
Meep meep meep mee-mee-meep?
63 comments|post comment

[23 Jun 2013|04:14pm]
My Mother should be here to see this.

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[23 Jun 2013|05:06pm]
It's not that easy being green.

So did you choose this before or after our conversation?
15 comments|post comment

[23 Jun 2013|05:12pm]
    I'm glad your kid's back.
I need to get a proper sort of job. I've only ever done Obliviation for the Ministry of Magic. I don't know what else there is out there. Fuck this If you're hiring and not an arsehole, let me know.
29 comments|post comment

[23 Jun 2013|05:19pm]
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[23 Jun 2013|05:24pm]
[ ... ] That's one way to wake up.
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[23 Jun 2013|05:48pm]
Most peculiar.

[...] This city of Las Vegas is in America, correct?
13 comments|post comment

[23 Jun 2013|06:40pm]
ι iota block experiment

Ι EXPERIMENT: iota block )
41 comments|post comment

[23 Jun 2013|06:56pm]
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[23 Jun 2013|07:21pm]
Well. Now I'm cross.

[...] Just let us know you're still with us?

Daphne Greengrassmercy
Is Melinda with you?
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[23 Jun 2013|07:41pm]
Everyone's sad and this is stupid

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[23 Jun 2013|07:53pm]
Has anyone seen Janie?!

...I miss you sweetheart.
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[23 Jun 2013|07:53pm]
I made about four hundred cookies. They don't look like cookies, but they taste fucking awesome because I'm pretty much an incredible chef. Someone come eat them.
68 comments|post comment

[23 Jun 2013|07:55pm]
theres some places where people play for people they lost. usually its the dead ones to send souls upways or wherever, but like exceptions can be made i think since these went someways too.

all's to say i played for the lot who left. i love you all. sorry your sad.
35 comments|post comment

[23 Jun 2013|07:57pm]
[ baby world family ]
I'm so sorry about Peter and Molly. If you lot need anything, please don't hesitate to ask.

[ his sirius ]
You in particular.
10 comments|post comment

[23 Jun 2013|08:20pm]
The show must go on!

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[23 Jun 2013|08:33pm]
failed ward to mr gamma

Mr Gamma, I'm sorry, but I don't want to make the petting zoo anymore.

I don't want to do anything anymore.
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[23 Jun 2013|09:07pm]
Hey mum. Miss you.

I think I baked too many lemon tarts.
19 comments|post comment

[23 Jun 2013|09:12pm]
[unwind blacks]
I am sorry. If there is anything I might do for you, well, please let me know.
[/unwind blacks]

[baby sirius]
If you need anything please let me know, dear cousin.
[/baby sirius]

And the days still go on.
21 comments|post comment

[23 Jun 2013|09:57pm]
If they ever take you, they will pay.
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[23 Jun 2013|10:35pm]
Where are you? Please tell me they didn't take you too.
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[23 Jun 2013|11:18pm]
Private to Remus Lupin (unwind) )
Private to Castor Black )
Private to Narcissa Black (unwind)...so essentially private )

I hope the rest of the week proves better.
53 comments|post comment

[23 Jun 2013|11:33pm]
I found the perfect place.

Anyone still looking for a job? I could use some help.
51 comments|post comment

[23 Jun 2013|11:42pm]
Private to the scientists

What do I need to do to get him back?
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