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[22 Jun 2013|12:26am]
Almost two weeks.

I think I may just be a professional couch potato. I'm exceptionally good at it. Cat-whisperer still has its appeal, though.
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[22 Jun 2013|03:46am]
It's official... I love being a bartender. Greatest job ever!

My face tingles.

[Party Harry]

... I like your face.

Hey baby.

I'm tingly. Are you tingly?
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[22 Jun 2013|07:59am]
Saturday. Another day to hope you'll be back. Another day to wish I could sleep through.

We keep losing. I have to wonder if we're going to win again at some point. But don't trouble yourself. It's not your fault. I made it through before. I can again. I'll just focus elsewhere. You're everywhere It is selfish to ask for you to come back, but I think I might be able to live with that. Maybe. Just maybe. Perhaps it is kinder to ask for Charlie and Victorien to come back instead. Perhaps that is the best course.

I have every intention of spending the day in the library should anyone go looking for me. I may forget to eat [ooc: crossed out after jsp's comment] I'll make sure to eat. Don't worry.

Added in later...

Any books anyone wants?
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[22 Jun 2013|10:00am]
This place is bollocks. I don't know how people can just sit here and pretend like everything's brilliant.
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[22 Jun 2013|10:37am]
Many people still leave, and it's painful. It hurts, and it should hurt, and as a member of one of the extended families across this place, I have conflicting feelings on it. I am going to be affected when people leave (and conversely I know people would be affected if I leave). Still, I do not wish to spend all of my time here miserable, or else it isn't worth it here, and I don't want anyone else to be miserable, as much as that is possible. As such, I've been thinking about what I want to happen if I leave (Capitaine, by no means should that be interpreted as wanting to leave).

It feels like death, if I leave and return home. I have met so many people here I could never meet back home from my world and others. Albus, I could never have pictured you as a boy before here, but we are as two of a kind as we ever have been. I've fallen in love with one of the most wonderful men in all the worlds. I am biased in that as I should be. I have had tastes of what other worlds were like, of that strange way it's like in patriarchal worlds, in living children's tales, and fighting zombies. I am not the woman I was coming here, and I like the woman I have become. And she, I, will be no more, if I leave.

I want a funeral, if I leave. I want an empty casket, a chance for each of you to say goodbye, and for one of you - but only one - to punch Capitaine Epsilon in the face for allowing me to leave. It can be a chance to cry and mourn, as everyone deserves when they lose someone.

I want a party. After the funeral, I want the reception to be a party. There should be music and food and no one should worry about calories or healthiness or overeating or overdrinking. People should tell stories of things that happened here, of memories, of the good times. I want everyone to have those memories and remember them not entirely tinged with sadness. I want you to divide my things as you wish. The cottage is as much Arthur's as mine, if we're still here, and no one should try to take it from him. But Janie, Mini, the rest of you, I have a very large closet here, and you should all be dressed fabulously in my absence.

Even if I leave here and I die, even if I lose any one of you whom I love and am glad to meet, I am glad to be here and to have come here. It is better to have lived and loved than never loved at all. This may not be true for each of you, dependent upon who leaves and what they return to, but these are the thoughts I have, how I feel, and what I want.

What do you want?
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[22 Jun 2013|12:53pm]
Mr. Gamma
Thank you for the last year. Thank you for trying your best to keep us safe and trying to keep us informed and for becoming family over just someone observing us.

Thank you for bringing me back when I left. Thank you for bringing Mom and Dad and Alby and now the boy JSPs that were needed here.

Thank you for helping me grow in this year, in ways that I never anticipated. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to try smudging, and help a ghost and just [...] everything.

I will always hold this place dear to me, and maybe sometimes I'll even have a dream and recall it vaguely.

But for now, at least, I think I need to be going back. The time has come. I'm going to miss you.

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[22 Jun 2013|01:02pm]
letter left for Albus Potter of colour world on his bedroom door )
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[22 Jun 2013|01:07pm]
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[22 Jun 2013|01:45pm]
Duke? O? Have you guys seen Johnny lurking somewhere where I can't see him?

I didn't see him come in but maybe I just missed him.

But seriously, are you here? OMM. DID YOU LEAVE ME? Rude. Oh, Merlin. Does this mean I'm going to ruin the day for your parentals?

Ugh. You owe me if I have to handle your parents' broken hearts. I demand glitter and chocolate. This is not on.

[Mr. Gamma]
By the way. Could be drinking all night every night. Haven't been. Had ONE drink last night. ONE. Not even a hangover. Soooooooo. I thought you should be ALERTED.
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[22 Jun 2013|06:07pm]

Not the way I wanted to wake up.
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[22 Jun 2013|06:49pm]
You weren't supposed to leave without me.
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[22 Jun 2013|06:50pm]
I didn't want to be here but he did.

How the hell is that fair?

Whatever I did, I'm sorry. Punish me. Don't-

He was happier here.

I'm not the best son, I didn't do right by him but he's still my dad and while I don't really get

Fuck it.
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[22 Jun 2013|07:26pm]
There will be consequences

His Lily
May not be warranted or cared for, but I am sorry for your loss.
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[22 Jun 2013|08:25pm]
[ Neville ]

What would you name a sweets shop? And how do you feel about being my Official Taste Tester?
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[22 Jun 2013|08:29pm]

[her sirius]
I need you.
42 comments|post comment

[22 Jun 2013|08:51pm]
[...] Fuck

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[22 Jun 2013|08:59pm]
All those who wander are not lost.

Is he coming back? Is Jane?

Everyone who was coming with us [...]

I'm looking. I'm not giving up.
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[22 Jun 2013|09:04pm]
We were getting along so well. For the first time in a long time things were good. Things were great, and then you took her! You took her like you take all the rest! Why?!
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[22 Jun 2013|09:13pm]
Private )
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[22 Jun 2013|09:14pm]
[his Lily & Dirk]
Do you know how to make a cake? The other Lily is upset. People always talk about cake when they are upset here. I thought maybe she might want some only I don't know how to make it.
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[22 Jun 2013|09:25pm]
[Family, inlaws included, all worlds]

Role call? So we can get a list going of who's still here and who's been taken away?

If anyone needs company, I'm likely going to be up most of the night, and I'm leaving the door unlocked. I know some of you are searching, but if you get hungry or just want tea before you go back to looking, come over. It's what I do when I'm upset. I cook, I bake, and generally try to be productive. It's that or quidditch, and I don't really feel up to that. I'm sure the rest of you can imagine.

But please, roll call?
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[22 Jun 2013|09:29pm]
I'm not going to pretend that I haven't torn families apart and have been responsible the crushing grief that mothers can feel, but most of the people haven't been raised in a world where this is commonplace. I sincerely hope that studying attachement patterns and grief is not the main focus of whatever the hell this is, because if it is you are the ones that need to be removed from society and locked up where you're subject to experimentation, not us. I know you keep saying that you have no control about who comes and goes, but remember that we did not willingly choose to participate in whatever this is.
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[22 Jun 2013|09:50pm]
Gwen and Moody
Meet me at Hooch's place.
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[22 Jun 2013|10:12pm]
[juni, ro, bran, demelza]
We're getting Thai food, ice cream, coffee and a movie and we're going to have a cuddle in Juni's room tonight.
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[22 Jun 2013|10:29pm]
Are we missing anyone? A lot of people seem to have gone missing again.
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[22 Jun 2013|11:03pm]
In light of all the recent departures, I just wanted you to know that I'm here in case anyone needs someone to talk to or even just some company.
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[22 Jun 2013|11:05pm]
And therefore as a stranger give it welcome.
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
Father? Are you still here? Sirius? Auntie?

If I hadn't been here before [ ... ] How long has it been?
127 comments|post comment

[22 Jun 2013|11:06pm]
Hello? I think there’s been some mistake, and I’m really not sure exactly how I wound up here. Wherever here is, anyway. Is this the Capitol? No, not over the top enough. But where else would a scientist be? If it’s all the same to you, I’d really like to go home, before my parents notice I’m gone and wonder what happened to me. They’ve already....

It’s probably not important to you. But whatever I need to do, please. Just let me know and I’ll do it.
122 comments|post comment

[22 Jun 2013|11:28pm]
Who: Tonks and Charlie
What: Charlie finding his cabin after leaving the compound, as memories slowly come back of his previous time at the compound.
Where: Charlie's Cabin
When: After Charlie's re-arrival
Warning: Nah

Read more... )
8 comments|post comment

[22 Jun 2013|11:50pm]
IOTAS. Gather round, preciouses!

Right. So. If you were ever in any other block, you know that Experiments Happen. And if you've been here, you'll know that No, They Don't.

Well. Shit.

I'm sorry.

But! Consider this a fair warning. I have to do an experiment tomorrow. The Powers That Be are demanding it.

Here's the thing, though - I really don't want to do anything against anyone's will, so if you want to opt out, this is your chance. Anyone who doesn't opt out will be considered experimental. I promise I won't do anything painful or degrading, and as a thank you for whoever opts in, I'll find a way to give you something special from your home world. (Within reason, but I'm pretty easy going, it's all good.)

So! Are you in, or are you out?
120 comments|post comment

[22 Jun 2013|11:58pm]

Okay, maybe I'm slow, buuuut, I feel entirely unemployable in this perfect little town. I mean, there's no place here for a model-slash-auror. NO PLACE. And let's be real, I haven't even started auror training back home, so THERE IS NO PLACE HERE FOR A KNICKERS MODEL. Like, what am I going to do, walk up and down the street in my undies? Nope.

Someone employ me. I'm pretty and I smell nice.
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