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flipped rpg.

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[20 Jun 2013|06:55am]
I've decided I want to run an amusement park. Just a small one, but it's been a dream of mine since I was a kid. You can only go to Adventure Island so many times before the seed is planted! Thank you, Essex! [...] I've found a big open field, too, I just need to work out the magic to get it all up and running. This will be brilliant. Grandbabies ride free.
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[20 Jun 2013|11:26am]
You took my Uncle Charlie and made my sister upset. Real mature.

Do you want to snuggle with Sadie?
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51 [20 Jun 2013|01:06pm]
[Marek, Padma, Parvati, Daphne]

Am I the only one who feels like we never hear about anything but "oh no someone left" or "I'm storming off in a huff for a few days, here's my dramatic announcement" in these journals? It's gotten bloody boring.
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[20 Jun 2013|03:26pm]
I'm tired of the conventional. I need to be bold. Daring. Hey! Hey Astro! I totally just did Beauty and the Beast without meaning too. Ha.


So I was thinking instead of putting on clothes, they should be coming off more. I think everyone would appreciate it more. The store is doing really well and I love love love my two new favourite twins, who are just dolls, but...

Hey girls! Would it be okay for me to put some sexy clothes in there?
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[20 Jun 2013|04:08pm]
Ladies and gentlemen and everyone else, never doubt my commitment to demented impulse purchases.

Meet Veronica.
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[20 Jun 2013|04:30pm]
her Harry, James, Remus and Sirius
How are my boys doing today?
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[20 Jun 2013|04:55pm]
I HAVE MY FIRST QUESTION. Let's see what we have, shall we?

Dear Mini,

Do you have any suggestions for covering up cooking burns?

♥ Betty Burns


WELL, Betty Burns, there are a few different ways to solve this. One, you can get take-away instead of cooking, or just get the pre-cooked things in the market. Your stress levels and the amount of burns you get will dramatically decrease almost at once, but you'll have to up your exercise routine just to be on the safe side. Burn those calories instead of yourself!

Next, you can get some gloves to cover them! I saw lovely pair of gloves in the window while on my walk, and if you have burnt fingers or hands this would be perfect! People have forgotten about gloves and armwarmers, and with the proper outfit they can really be a great accessory! They aren't just for winter, mes amis! They come in a variety of colours and patterns and lengths, so you really don't have an excuse not to get some. Sleeves and makeup also can help this, and make sure you go to someone who knows makeup to help you find a good concealer to both blend into your skin and cover the burn without it looking like you have a massive, oddly shaped orange freckle on your body.

Now, if the burn is in the kitchen and not on your body, go grap a trivet or something to cover it. Or, you know, use your wand to make it go away if you can ♥

♥ Mini

If you have any more, feel free to ask ~*~here~*~.
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[20 Jun 2013|08:07pm]
All you can do is what you can do. So do that.

So. Dinner Saturday night? Cho's welcome too, of course. ... would you mind if I invited Chris and Juni as well?

ooc: added after Dudley's reply: Juni and Chris Pettigrew
So, your brother Dudley's birthday is this weekend. He doesn't want a big party this year, but I'm having a small dinner for him Saturday night, his girlfriend Cho will also be there. I'd love it if you both could attend as well. Juni, I think a plus one would be fine as well.

writing )
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[20 Jun 2013|08:11pm]
[His Marauders]

We should all do something.
[/His Marauders]

So I decided I wanted to cook something and it seems you have to pay attention.

I set chocolate on fire.
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[20 Jun 2013|08:27pm]
After careful consideration I will be selling things I embroider and sew. Someday, when I am much better at knitting, I may expand my selection, but for now it will be custom orders and a few pre-made items.

[Regulus unwind]
How are we feeling, love?

[Andromeda- all]
Pick a colour please.
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[20 Jun 2013|08:53pm]
Who: SiriusKnap and BellaRMW
What: Some general troublemaking
When: Thursday evening
Where: Outdoors
Warnings: None

... )
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[20 Jun 2013|09:00pm]
Complacency begets misfortune.

Private to little Bella

You seem to have forgotten something.

Private to her Narcissa and Regulus

Surely you don't find it appropriate for Castor to be living alongside Sirius and his werewolf.
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[20 Jun 2013|10:39pm]
I believe I unwittingly signed a lifelong agreement to have all my actions and thoughts and ideas questioned. How do I get off this list?

Please tell me you've had a pleasant day and then tell me about it to distract me.

I believe I heard talk of a bookstore? I may have to stop by shortly.
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[20 Jun 2013|10:59pm]
Delivery for Nympadora Tonks-color )
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[20 Jun 2013|11:40pm]
[his Cho]
Mum's having dinner at her house Saturday night. I think it's just us and possibly Juniper and Chris. Alternate siblings. You don't have to go if you don't want, but Mum said you were invited.
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[20 Jun 2013|11:45pm]
Forget the horror here, darling.
Wipe your hands clean of my mess.
You never did look well on your knees.

Get up and get up fast.
Run away and never look back.

I'm a hard soul to save with my ocean in the way.


Running low, lately. And the radio is too bloody well QUIET.
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