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[19 Jun 2013|02:18pm]
So I may have been on an epic quest across the very non-Mordorian lands and may have lost track of where I've gone because much more important duties came up. Like puddle dancing. Well, first the rain came in and derailed the entire mission as I had to seek temporary shelter - because no matter how much you want to play in the rain, shops don't fancy dripping wet folk foraging through their aisles and leaving behind puddles of their own. Then the rain cleared and, well, this ensued.

Side note: puddle dancing is the only routine-sort you will ever see me do. Most likely. (But don't quote me on that.)

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[19 Jun 2013|02:19pm]
Ahhh, egg-sitting. Sometimes it pays to be the one without magic so I don't have to puzzle out the safety spells. They say a watched egg (or four) never hatches, and we'll see if I can prove them otherwise.

You're too quiet, and if you're getting into shenanigans without me I'm going to shave all your hair off this time.
57 comments|post comment

[19 Jun 2013|04:54pm]
Oh My God, Oh My God, Oh My God. BE COOL, JOHN.


I love my job.
28 comments|post comment

[19 Jun 2013|05:36pm]
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[19 Jun 2013|05:41pm]
Next town over has a car dealership. I neeeeeeeeed one.
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[19 Jun 2013|06:42pm]
WHO: Fenswap, Evadneswap, and Evancolor
WHERE: forrest
WHEN: late night/early morning
WHAT: Eva finds out who what Fen has been doing
WARNINGS: language

I knew you were trouble )
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[19 Jun 2013|07:36pm]
weather's real nice here, you know. not so much rain. course, i like rain just fine. both the soft ones and the hard prickly ones. but the sun's nice. i suppose whoever's in charge of making this place did a right lovely job thinking about details like that.

so whatre you lot doing here? i want to see other businesses.

im orsino. its nice to meet you.

[ duke ]
want to explore? im going to go but ill get lost and its more fun to get lost with other folks.
86 comments|post comment

[19 Jun 2013|08:21pm]
rant )

Her Lily, James and Remusknap
my baby

I'm going to need company tonight.
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[19 Jun 2013|09:05pm]
I'm sorry if I've been unpleasant these past few days. I think I've spent enough time cooped up in our library. Would you like to go out this evening with me for a walk?

the other albus.
How are you adjusting?

What do you say to a Father/Daughter outing tomorrow?

This did not go so well.
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[19 Jun 2013|09:52pm]
She is magnificent.
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[19 Jun 2013|10:17pm]
Three days. The chances I'll get away with avoiding this are low, aren't they? Which means pretending it's a good day. I hate- At least I have three days to practise and if I'm awkward, no one will question it.

So [...] is the whole world here? I keep seeing people mention traveling.
62 comments|post comment

[19 Jun 2013|10:19pm]

[ Added later ]

[ RiverBurg ]

He's [ ... ] gone. And dinner is burnt and [ ... ]
110 comments|post comment

[19 Jun 2013|10:28pm]
Mr. Alpha
You are horribly cruel.

his Charlie.
I'm going to hold you extra close the next time I see you, so be prepared for that.
1 comment|post comment

[19 Jun 2013|10:56pm]
[ ro ]

What did you do?
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