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[27 May 2013|12:36am]
[her rose]
Hello, love. Are you and Jamie settling in to your new home?

[her ted, her sirius]
I wil likely be finding a place to live with my Ron should he be interested but if either of you would like to consider a joint housing situation, I would be amenable to such an arrangement. Of course, I will not be offended if you'd prefer your own lodging.

[her colin]
How are you holding up, Colin?
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[27 May 2013|12:39am]
Things I never thought I'd get to say again:

D&D CAMPAIGN AT MY HOUSE. I missed the Star Wars wallpaper in the second bathroom. I didn't realize it until just now.
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[27 May 2013|01:09am]
Her Dad
Housing together, what say you?
I suppose since this has all taken so long to be put together, it is supposed to be considered our home away from home in a way.

As such, it would be prudent to start organizing a system for our new town.
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[27 May 2013|04:15am]
[his Cho]
Uh. So this is probably really awkward but then what isn't when it comes to me? but Mum wants to know when she gets to meet you...

Since she apparently reads everything. Not that I'm really surprised considering she's my mum. Uh, but I thought I should mention that.
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[27 May 2013|04:51am]
[ooc: I'm lazy. Assume the writing it a bit sloppy because Regulus Black has had too much wine. Also this is sometime after this but before morning...obvs]

Sirius. This is your fault. Somehow. I don't know. I am going to blame you, though. How can you drink that much wine and not be [...] this? How do you do that?

You're [...] uh [...] um [...] I forget what I was going to say. Something about [...] something. It's not important!

I think this is where I say "Unfair! Unfair! Unfair!" Yes. That is [...] yes. Quoting! Sir Bella.
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[27 May 2013|01:29pm]
I am waiting in anticipation to meet all you other Marauders.

See? I've got the nerves now. Why so silent, my dears?

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[27 May 2013|02:17pm]
[tonkses + extended tonks family, all worlds]
I found a house that looks a lot like the one I had at home, but I think I would prefer a bigger place. I would very much like to have one big family home for all of us that are here, or at least all of you that are amenable. If you'd prefer to live on your own, please live nearby, at the least.
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[27 May 2013|02:19pm]
I assume we are meant to take a job here. [...] Are there positions available at the hospital?

[arayna, his harry, blaise, draco(s)]
Would any of you be interested in a roommate?

[mum & arion]
Where are you two living?
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[27 May 2013|02:36pm]
owl to kosta krum )
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[27 May 2013|03:58pm]
Marauder House. For any of you that aren't settling down in other nests. Yes yes very yes?
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[27 May 2013|05:07pm]
I like this place.

[toma, alby, janie]
I don't know what you all were planning to do about a house, but if you still want me to stay with you, I want to. Wherever you've decided to stay. But I'm going to stay with my mum tonight, okay?
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[27 May 2013|05:55pm]
WHO: sirius & remuscanon
WHAT: reunited! sirius returns! telling of shitty news! salaciousness!
WHERE: compound corridor and then sirius' unit in iota****
WHEN: backdated to immediately after sirius' arrival!
RATING: with the exception of some language (and two of mine and serena's most favourite phrases ever), it's not so bad! suggestive~ at the end.

**** lolol so we started writing this thread at the beginning of the week before the first wonky world flip, so the setting is completely incorrect given that the compound is currently locked and was when he arrived. the actions are the more important parts, though! so just pretend~

also with 2x more side notes!

kristy + cut-texting = otp 5ever (that's one more than 4ever) )
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[27 May 2013|06:47pm]
her Harry
I don't know where you would like to stay, and if you choose to stay with Albus, that is perfectly alright, but I will always have a room for you at my house, okay, love?

And your godfather, Sirius, is here. Have you spoken to him yet?
her Sirius
How are you settling in?

I talked to Harry and he'd really like to meet you. Are you free for dinner any particular day this week?
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[27 May 2013|06:56pm]
So what is an actor supposed to do in a town where there are no television studios?

Have you found a place to live yet, douce sœur? My flat has an extra room, which you get first dibs on if you would like.

[His siblings and cousins, all worlds]
I saw we have a little generational get together, hm? I haven't seen most of you yet, and I'd really like to.
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[27 May 2013|07:06pm]
[newest hannah]
So [...] you haven't told your mum who you are?
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[27 May 2013|09:46pm]
Cardboard boxes are surprisingly comfortable with the proper charms applied. But I do like beds.

Seems like we're supposed to get jobs from looking around and what people are saying? Does that happen a lot? Do we choose?

[ her Charlie ]

Manifest destiny?
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[27 May 2013|10:07pm]
I'm going to be a brain surgeon ballerina cat-whisperer. Job chosen. Boom.
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[27 May 2013|10:33pm]
It's a shame there's not a job here like the one I have back home. I'm pretty fond of it.

[ Mum ]

If you ever feel worried about my living conditions in your future, my flat's here. You can come see it, if you want.
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[27 May 2013|11:16pm]
Who: SiriusKnap and Sirilla
What: Some Padfeet time
When: Monday evening
Where: Outdoors
Warnings: None

... )
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[27 May 2013|11:19pm]
Those of you with a penchant for art should come help Kate and I decorate. Our flat back home was covered in doodles from growing up, so I'd like to have them filled here as well. It's an open invitation!
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