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[26 May 2013|12:26am]
Dinosaurs. Nothing. And now this.

Take the chocolate river and give me back my research materials. Though I find myself combining our first trip with our current one. It is strange to think of dinosaurs roaming around here. Strange, and entertaining.

(...) and what, in the name of Merlin, is this dreadful noise? Please tell me music does not devolve to this in the future.
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[26 May 2013|12:28am]
My little boy would adore this place, and I'd have my hands absolutely full. Perhaps I ought to be glad that he isn't here to acquire the cavities?

Or maybe I'll just acquire them for him.
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[26 May 2013|01:50am]
compound-wide event

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[26 May 2013|01:51am]
home base world

THE NEXT WORLD [home base world] )
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[26 May 2013|02:12am]
Seems... fairly safe so far.

[Potters and Black-sheep Blacks]

Since it doesn't look like anyone is being assigned anywhere particular, I thought it would be nice if we could all stay somewhat close to each other. Find or build places just a short walk from each other?

Mari, would you like to move in with James and I?
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[26 May 2013|02:16am]

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[26 May 2013|02:20am]
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[26 May 2013|02:26am]
Who: Remus and Siriusknap
What: Remus has rearrived and gets greeted by a long lost Padfoot
Where: Outside the Hospital Wing
When: During the Candyworld, near the end
Warnings: Sadness

Read more... )
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[26 May 2013|02:52am]
VICTORIEN. I'm decorating our house like a Hobbit house.
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[26 May 2013|02:57am]
I was informed that I should introduce myself through this journal. Putting aside my reservations over writing in a journal, I'll follow the advice I have been given. My name is Remus Lupin and evidently I have been here before. I have been informed that my world is known as 'Kidnap,' or more commonly 'Party,' and that it is not actually 1988.

I've also noticed a few disappointed glances as I've been passing by. Would someone care to explain?
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[26 May 2013|04:29am]

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[26 May 2013|04:41am]

Kate. It's here! Our flat is here! It isn't decorated, but still.
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[26 May 2013|11:22am]
I found my home. My home. It looks just like when I left it... None of my thing but the windows, the size, Dora's room. It's all here.
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[26 May 2013|11:31am]
Weird. So this is definitely not Kenmare- looks a bit like London, actually- but this is definitely our house. Ginny and I practically built it ourselves, so there's really no mistaking it.

I like this world! We can just stay here, that'd be good.
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[26 May 2013|11:33am]
Ugh, civilization.
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[26 May 2013|12:07pm]
Are we meant to choose our own houses?

... I don't want to live alone.
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[26 May 2013|12:27pm]
Is this the part of the tale where we all live happily ever after?
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[26 May 2013|12:56pm]
[juni, ro, mr tumnus]
Girls, guess what I found?

There's plenty of room for you and Mini Littlefoot, too, H. It wouldn't be home without you, babe.
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[26 May 2013|12:57pm]
[ Captain Epsilon ]

Curiosity, hm?
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[26 May 2013|01:14pm]
Remus LupinTHG
It is completely up to you on whether you would like to or not but I thought I would ask. Would you like to continue to live with me? I am in the process of procuring a dwelling here, and I intend to have it available to any of your fellow Taken from my block that do not wish to live alone, but as you are my ward, you are my first and foremost priority.

Amie McCormackcolour
You are free to find your own accommodations if you like but if you would rather you are welcome in the home I am setting up.
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[26 May 2013|01:31pm]
Oh my merlina, I am home.  My home is here.  Dads library with his books.  My room just like I left it.   I am so happy.  Mum! Dad! Come see it. 

Okay none of the actual things are here, but close enough. It is filled with the memories and that is important.
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[26 May 2013|01:32pm]
I found home. No one is there. This place is stupid
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[26 May 2013|01:35pm]
[...] Oh. Did I do something?
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[26 May 2013|02:11pm]
[ gamma block ]
I trust you lot are safe and accounted for. Your cooperation was appreciated.

Make yourselves at home.

[ toma, albus, harry, & jane ]
I will not be offended if you take this opportunity to build a home of your own. That said, I will be doing the same, and you are welcome to continue residing with me.
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[26 May 2013|02:16pm]
[dora; victoire can read]
Love, why is our house locked?

[added later]
Being a parent is hard.

[his mum, his dad, his gram]
What's the plan for housing? I'm currently homeless.
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[26 May 2013|02:35pm]
I think I might cry.
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[26 May 2013|03:05pm]
What do you want to do about the housing situation? Shall we remain with Mr. Gamma or shall we get a place of our own look at other options?
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[26 May 2013|03:42pm]
Georgeeeeeee. Angeeeeee. Leeeeeigh.

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[26 May 2013|03:43pm]
his Ginny.
I know that there are versions of the Burrow here, and I won't be upset if you chose it, but I wouldn't mind building an extension to my cabin for you. I would actually...really like to.

his Tonks.
So, we are all in the house market it seems.
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[26 May 2013|03:57pm]

Or are we doing the new home thing? Are Kate and Sam coming, too? I AM TAKING MY ROOM IF WE'RE GOING HOME! I WILL BE VICTORIOUS!
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[26 May 2013|04:23pm]
[ Weasley-Delacour kids and Wil ]
Wil and I are living in the cottage if you need, or would like to, stay here too.
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[26 May 2013|04:51pm]
[Warded to Her Teddy]

Now that we are back home, well sort of, do you want to still be my flat mate?  I still don't want to be alone and I really do like being with you. 

I will pout and give you my adorable puppy dog eyes if you say no.

[/end private]

It has been a couple of weeks since I found out my future and it has taken me a long time to come to terms with it.  It is still hard but now that we are sort of home, I do want to try to start a new life.  Mum and Dad would have wanted me to do that and not just mope around like I have been doing.

I hope we stay here, I really do.
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[26 May 2013|07:10pm]
Not the beach, but it'll do fine by me.

If we're supposed to get jobs... anyone need a bouncer? Don't really know how to do much else.

So. I know it didn't work out while we were on compound but... Maybe we could try living together here? Get our own house, you could have your own room too, I know you like your space. We could even see if Theodore wanted a space with us. It would be nice, I think, to have what we didn't get to have before. It seems like we might be here a while. I'd like to give it a shot.

We still doing workouts in the morning?
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[26 May 2013|08:36pm]
Roommate(s) wanted.
Pelican and bull frogs need not apply.
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[26 May 2013|08:40pm]
Yeah, this is different. So what's the catch?

So pretty much everyplace to the edge of town and back seems empty, if we haven't claimed it, so shelter's not a problem. What's the food situation?
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[26 May 2013|08:53pm]
This I wasn't expecting. Although I suppose I'm just repeating what everyone else has said at this point [...] it looks like we're in for English weather. I'm going to have to completely replant the garden.

Warded to Dudley Dursley; Party World (excluding Lestrange); Juni and Chris of Baby World; All L. Evanses
So has everyone settled on a place to stay yet? Anyone who still needs room, I've plenty of space at the house for the moment.

picture )

I see you've already made arrangements, but of course there's always a room for you at the house, too.
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[26 May 2013|09:38pm]
Anyone who's interested, I'm heading to the Ministry in the morning to see what we have in ways of a police force. Something every town needs.

And if anyone's looking for a place to stay, I thought I saw my old house around here. It's pretty big, so there's plenty of room. And it's a great place for parties.

Roomies? Or are you spoken for?
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[26 May 2013|09:52pm]
[Siriusunwind, Narcissaunwind, Remusunwind, Castorunwind, and Bellatrixrmw...and later Andromedaunwind]
I don't know if you - Sirius and Remus - had already decided on a house, but I thought it might be nice to choose somewhere to stay together.

If you would all like to, that is.

This place certainly has a few good points.

Added in later...
[his Andromeda and Narcissa (warded separately with the proper name for each)]
How are you and Narcissa/Andromeda getting along these days?
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[26 May 2013|09:54pm]
This, this is what I call a good prank. A bit ill-timed, but we'll work on that for the next one. Who'd you hire to play the scientist? And was I drugged? Because I don't think I took that long to change into this thing that you'd be able to completely rebuild the building around me but I didn't really wake up feeling drugged. Didn't really feel like I was waking up come to think of it. Bravo!

ANYWAY, Sirilla? You can come out now and we'll talk timing for the next one. And our victim. Also the bit about magic has to go. I think we're all a bit old for that, yea? Now, where is Evans?
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[26 May 2013|10:33pm]
Dudes, my flat is ridiculous.

cap'n crunch
What's the music situation?

Where are you crashing?
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[26 May 2013|11:01pm]
Marauders, assemble. I need to see your beautiful faces.

Children of Marauders, do the same for exactly the same reasons.

Someone want to show a dashing man in a silk robe a good time? I like this place.
155 comments|post comment

[26 May 2013|11:26pm]
A magicless Jane with a convertible named Evans. I think she's mine.
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