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flipped rpg.

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[22 May 2013|12:18pm]
This is another episode of Astrid post pictures!

The Pictures )
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[22 May 2013|12:28pm]
Thank you to everyone who came to my birthday party!

Thank you for the birthday party. I loved it.
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[22 May 2013|01:17pm]
[scientists; unbreakable]
The location is complete and, unless they manage to follow us, will be fully secure. Are the evasive protocols prepared and ready?
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[22 May 2013|02:23pm]

Ha ha! Got you, Alphard! I managed to figure out this camera thing. I don't know if Alphard knew what I was doing
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[22 May 2013|10:23pm]

Astrid, preserve your sparkle box.

...Not panicking. Nope. Not gunna do it.
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[22 May 2013|11:04pm]
3 hours 10 minutes.
8 seconds.
23 hours 44 minutes.

Fix it.
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[22 May 2013|11:16pm]
It's like life now. You don't know when shit'll happen.
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[22 May 2013|11:18pm]
Thanks for the date, Tau. I'm all dressed up and ready to go.
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[22 May 2013|11:28pm]
We're not all flipping at different times to different worlds are we? Because Draco's gone and with the wonky timer, it can't just be a coincidence.
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[22 May 2013|11:38pm]
Filtered to Viktor Krum & Gwen Prewett
It'd be best if we were all together right now, whatever comes next. Kosta and Fabienne would be welcome, if you'd like them here.
Filtered to Captain Epsilon
Prepare for war, captain?
What difference one little sound can make.
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[22 May 2013|11:46pm]

The above has appeared in all journals and is accompanied by a ticking. After being observed by the character, the ticking will only be noticeable when the individual is actually looking at the countdown. Taken will notice that, unlike normal, the countdown displays a different time whenever they glance down at the page. At first glance, for example, it may say that the countdown will end in a hour and fifteen minutes but than at a second glance it may say the countdown will end in seventeen hours and thirty three minutes. The countdown is different every time the Taken glances upon it and is different for all Taken, making it impossible to tell when the actual flip will take place.
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[22 May 2013|11:54pm]
Just guessing, the lack of a timer is new?

Know there are never any promises with this place, but with this timerless countdown, make sure you're dressed neutrally, sensibly, and have food, your wand, and any survival equipment you have handy on your person. We don't know where we're going, or when. Bring brooms if you've got them.
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[22 May 2013|11:57pm]
[...] Well, that's new. HOUSTON, WE HAVE A PROBLEM.
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