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[30 Apr 2013|12:30am]
Who: Harryickle & James Sirius
What: Feels over Harry being young
When: Tuesday after lessons
Where: Quidditch pitch
Warnings: Nada

... )
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[30 Apr 2013|12:33am]
Who: Lily Evans & Harry Pottercan
What: Someone's meeting his mumsey.
Where: Gamma
When: When he arrived
Status/Rating: In-progress/Low!

she had never been so utterly terrified )
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[30 Apr 2013|07:48am]
Left on the pillow next to Adele.

Click for the pretty )

Accompanying note:

I found this hiking the other day.
Had one of the girls here make it into a necklace for you.
Hope you like it. I know it's not the type I usually give you.

I love you more and more every day.
I hope we never leave this place.


Also included is a hand drawn map leading to a waterfall.
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[30 Apr 2013|05:16pm]
who bella and empress narcissa
what walking on eggshells?
when after classes
where their unit
rating/status awkward and closed

hold onto me as we go, down this unfamiliar road )
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[30 Apr 2013|08:37pm]
WHO: Roxie and Tau
WHERE: Tau's office
WHEN: Tuesday evening
WHAT: Roxie has a request
WARNINGS: sads and possible language

You can't always get what you want. )
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