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[29 Apr 2013|04:11pm]
Who: Regulus Black & Narcissa Blackunwind
What: Wine and hugs
Where: Narcissa & Bellatrix's unit
When: Last night [Backdated]
Rating/Status: Loooow/In progress

These parents be stressed out, bro )
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[29 Apr 2013|04:44pm]
Who: Harry Pottercolour & Dudley Dursleyukr
What: Awkward meetings
Where: Somewhere?
When: Today unless we decide otherwise
Rating/Status: Loooow/In progress

Read more... )
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[29 Apr 2013|07:37pm]
Who: Harry and Hannah Potter
What: Getting to know you and LUNCH
When: Backdated to afternoon, April 29
Where: Hallways, Kitchens
Why: How would YOU re-meet your 11-year-old self?

Two scars, two people, one history. Roles had reversed now. )
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[29 Apr 2013|08:25pm]
gamma block experiment

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[29 Apr 2013|09:33pm]
Who: Petunia Evansknap, Peter Pettigrewbaby
What: A long overdue parental chat
Where: Pi Block.
When: Monday Evening
Warnings: likely none?

It was long past time … )
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[29 Apr 2013|10:20pm]
Who: Harrycolour & Jane Sirilla
What: trying to comfort his alterno-daughter :|
When: Tuesday night (forward-dated)
Where: their unit
Warnings: feels?

... )
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[29 Apr 2013|10:42pm]
Who: Theodore & Harryheir
What: talking about feels and guilt~
When: uhh. around the beginning of Mountain World? Idk, backdated.
Where: at the compound gates.
Warnings: talking about war and betrayal?

... )
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[29 Apr 2013|10:47pm]
Who: Hestia and Peterbaby.
Where: Somewhere outside, okay?
When: Early morning.
What: things.
Status/Rating: Incomplete/Low?

Pursuit of Happiness )
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[29 Apr 2013|10:53pm]
Who: Theodoreheir & Dracocolour
What: drinks!
When: Monday night
Where: Tau Block, at the bar.
Warnings: TBD, probably none

... )
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