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[24 Apr 2013|07:15pm]
Who: Charlieswap & Burg
What: Doing things and stuff. Stuff and things.
When: Wednesday, 24 April; Evening
Where: The living room of their unit
Warnings: TBD

Charlie didn't do well with change that she didn't understand. )
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[24 Apr 2013|07:43pm]
Who: Teddybdh & Tonkscan
When: Tuesday, 23 April; Afternoon
Where: Their unit
What: Talking, finally
Warnings: Likely none.

Funny how bravery worked. )
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[24 Apr 2013|08:08pm]
Who: Eris & Branbaby
When: Wednesday, 24 April; Evening
Where: Eris' unit in Iota
What: A confrontation
Warnings: LOL PROBABLY HIGH for language.

With lightning quick reflexes, she picked up one of her shoes and hurled it at him. )
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[24 Apr 2013|08:39pm]
Who: Tonks and Charliecolor
angst and feels
shortly after this
Charlie's room, Gamma

Like a lighthouse guides a shipwrecked sailor safely from the sea )
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[24 Apr 2013|08:58pm]
Who: Harrylove & Abbybaby
When: Wednesday, 24 April; Afternoon
Where: Somewhere off Compound~
What: Sibling time! ♥
Warnings: None!

No matter how happy the good things made him, he'd never pretend like the rest had never happened. )
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[24 Apr 2013|09:42pm]
Who: Ron Weasleymercy, Hermione Grangerregen
When: Wednesday Night
Where: Omicron Block, his room
What: Ron and Hermione random thread is random!
Warnings: tbd

Ron was sore )
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[24 Apr 2013|10:50pm]
Who: Demelza Robinsbaby, Toma Riddleswap
When: Wednesday Night
Where: Gamma Block
What: A really random encounter
Warnings: profanity from Demz, if nothing else; also 50 Cent.

BAM bum )
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[24 Apr 2013|10:51pm]
Who: Lily & Tuniknap
When: Wednesday, 24 April; Evening
Where: Tuni's unit!
What: Sisterly snuggling? Maybe? Lily's optimistic.
Warnings: Likely none!

Lily wasn't ever letting that slip through her fingers again. )
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[24 Apr 2013|11:45pm]
Who: Janeswap & Marianaswap
When: Tuesday, 23 April, afternoonish
Where: Somewhere outside
What: Mariana is sad and in need of hugs. :(
Warnings: Likely none.

Read more... )
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