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[12 Feb 2013|12:14am]
Who: Freddy Weasleyswap and Kosta Krumthg
What: Kosta begging for forgiveness. HAHAH SUCKER.
Where: Kosta's unit.
When: After midnight, 2/12
Rating/Status: Angstyish? In-progress.

haha what is cut text? )
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[12 Feb 2013|08:14pm]
who renee and luke!
what random run in on zee quest for chocolates
where outside the compound
when afternoon
rating/status tbd and pending

black dress/with the tights underneath )
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[12 Feb 2013|08:23pm]
Who: Regulus Blackunwind & Bellatrix Blackrmw
What: Tantrums
Where: Regulus' room?
When: Todaaaaayyy
Rating/Status: Low-Med?/In progress

Woooooooords. Idek. Things. )
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[12 Feb 2013|09:09pm]
Who: Hermione and Ginny UKR
What: An anniversary, a vigil, a fire and smores
When: Evening, February 12.
Where: Outside the compound.
Why: "Tonighhhhht we are younng!"

Hermione couldn't help but wonder exactly what sky they were under tonight, what world's, and if there was a difference )
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[12 Feb 2013|09:11pm]
o omicron block experiment

OMICRON EXPERIMENT: Let them eat pancake! )
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[12 Feb 2013|09:11pm]
who james and lily, zomg what?
what random run in that will probably end in tempers?
where outside, since james is gonna try to find candy
when afternoon time
status/rating pending tbd

we throw tantrums like parties! )
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[12 Feb 2013|09:24pm]
Who: Hannah and Ronnie, the female dynamic duo!
What: Ice cream. Nuff said!
When: February 12, evening
Where: Compound kitchens
Why: When one has newly arrived, one is in terrible need of ice cream!

Ice cream. It was one of the few universal truths in the world. )
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[12 Feb 2013|11:19pm]
o omicron block experiment

OMICRON EXPERIMENT: Let them eat pancakes part two! )
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