Friday, August 17th, 2007

Intro Post

Hello! So, I'm Becca Stareyes, aka Rebecca, and this is my intro post. My biggest fandoms are Slayers, Avatar: The Last AIrbender, Vision of Escaflowne, and Fullmetal alchemist. Currently, I'm active in the first two, as well as The Dresden Files. I like a lot more things, to be honest -- I'm a pretty big SF/Fantasy fan, and I enjoy anime and manga, as well as the occasional video game.

My work in progress list is as follows.
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Saturday, August 4th, 2007


:D Hahahahahaha. NEW COMM. ::settles in:: I think I love you for this, [info]stareyes.

So. Introduction post. I'm sure these will have better structure as time goes on, but for now, I'll try to break some ground here, though I don't promise eloquence by a long shot. It's late for me, and I'm getting sleepy. I just wanted to jump in before I forgot to.

List of fandoms and WIPs here. )
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