Multi-Fandom Finish-A-Thon - October 16th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Multi-Fandom Finish-A-Thon

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October 16th, 2007

Small Goals Meme [Oct. 16th, 2007|12:14 pm]



Because I am doing awful at trying to finish my list, and because I can't seem to stick to the schedules I need to in order to finish, I'm doing the small goals meme publicly. I really hope it helps.

SirenPrincess' Small Goals )
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progress? [Oct. 16th, 2007|05:48 pm]
I have finished approximately 2000 words of my Snupin Santa. Better yet, I have written the ending, which means that now I know how my plot has to build. It's a secret, but absolute utter crack concept... and yet very angsty. I am baffled.

... and I wrote a 10,000 word completely random story that didn't need to be written. *headwall*
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One down! [Oct. 16th, 2007|09:02 pm]


I finally finished my [info]phoenix_flies fest fic. I'm so excited that it's done. I'm now working on my [info]snarry_holidays story and I have a three page outline for that one. Here's my finished fic.

Title: Dark Angel
Length: ~3000 words
Pairings/Characters: Harry/female!Severus
Warnings: het sex, rimming, cunnilingus, AU
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Harry Potter has just entered his first class of Auror training--"The Essentials of Potion Making." It's an interesting day from there.
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