Multi-Fandom Finish-A-Thon - October 5th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Multi-Fandom Finish-A-Thon

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October 5th, 2007

Birthday Fic Finished! [Oct. 5th, 2007|01:53 pm]


Here's another item off my list :-)

Title: An Unlikely Source of Comfort
Author: SirenPrincess
Rating: NC-17 for graphic sex
Warnings: graphic slash sex, complete PWP, what is this canon that you speak of?, unbetaed
Genre: plot what plot, some hurt/comfort
Word Count: 4,224
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Severus/Harry
Summary: What happens when Harry turns to Severus longing for some love? This story features insecure!Severus AND insecure!Harry, lots of sex, and some cuddling.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter and that world belong to JKR and the WB. No copyright infringement is intended. This story is designed to increase fan appreciation of JKRs work. No money is earned from the writing of this story. Both fictional characters depicted in this story are well over the age of 18. This story is for adults only and is labeled as such. If you are under 18 years old, do not read this. The author assumes no legal responsibility for minors that refuse to heed the warnings.

Author’s Notes: Written for [info]sassy_cissa’s birthday. Her request was Severus/Harry and “bedtime cuddling.” This has a lot more sex than the prompt may require, but reading her fanfic preferences, I thought a little bit of desk!sex might be fun to throw in. This story seemed to take on a life of its own. My apologies for how long this took to write, but it ended up much longer than birthday drabbles usually do. [info]sassy_cissa, I really, really, really hope you enjoy the story.

An Unlikely Source of Comfort
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Plot bunny fic! [Oct. 5th, 2007|03:38 pm]



I feel very accomplished now. I wrote a plot bunny fic and managed to combine it with one of my prompts and included one of my favorite classical music pieces as well.
Um, most info under cut because it contains DH spoilers and I don't know how to do that whiteout thing.
Title: Libera Me
Author/Artist: [info]melfinatheblue
Rating: G
Read more... )
Fake cut takes you to story
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Oct 4 list [Oct. 5th, 2007|06:31 pm]



behind a cut for length )
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Introduction and Getting Started [Oct. 5th, 2007|09:43 pm]


[Current Mood | distressed]

Now that I actually have something started, I can post...

Name: [info]sassy_cissa
Fandom(s) you are working on for this fest: Harry Potter
Participation: (Writer/artist/beta/other. Include which you are doing for this fest, as I need to know this in order to make the meme challenges helpful.)

The one item from your list that you most want to complete: the arc I'm working on for my LJ 100quills table.
Items with a deadline other than this fest: all the other fests I'm involved with
Most fun item on your list: [info]phoenix_flies as it is co-authored with a great writer
Item you are dreading the most/need the most encouragement on: my fest fic, as I've never attempted an entire fic with mpreg.

How do you start a project?(Do you take vague notes, outline extensively, dive deep into research?) I try to come up with an idea and then just start writing. I generally research, as needed, while writing
In what conditions do you work best? (Time of day, the place you like to work in, the medium, for example.)Whenever the family leaves me alone. I write a lot in the evening while chatting.
One thing that always inspires you to create: (Anything. A quote, book, movie, artist, fanfiction, anything. Share with us, in hopes that we will be inspired by it as well.) hard to say
One general thing you would really like to improve on: (Overall; doesn't have to be specific to an item on your list.) Besides my general writing skills, I suppose it would be my punctuation.
Advice and/or questions regarding the creative process that you have for the other members of the community: I got nothing.

A teaser from something you've got at least partially done:
from my 100quills arc )
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