Multi-Fandom Finish-A-Thon - September 28th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Multi-Fandom Finish-A-Thon

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September 28th, 2007

List most like to be kidnapped by giant budgies [Sep. 28th, 2007|04:17 pm]
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[Current Location |home]
[Current Mood | cold]
[Current Music |30stm]

Kynx )
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Question [Sep. 28th, 2007|08:28 pm]

Without giving too much away, so as to leave you guessing if this is a general thing, something for a friend/birthday or for a fest, I have a question. How do you incorperate a character you really don't like into a threesome and make it seem like you actually love him with all your heart, want to have kids with him, want the other characters to have kids with him etc. etc. I'm having huge problems here. I've been asked to write an OT3 I have never written before and have never wanted to write, yet I agreed for the challenge. That challenge has proved too much for me, so I'm asking for a muse :)
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Looking a bit better.... [Sep. 28th, 2007|10:41 pm]




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