Thursday, March 6th, 2014

❝ 'cause you make me feel like i've been locked out of heaven. ❞

[ Wow. It's her birthday again. That came fast. To think she had a birthday in Mandalus before having this one. She's the same age, according to the calendar, but she's almost like a year older. Sort of. Does it really count if you're mentally twenty-seven but by the count of Earth you're still twenty-six?

Probably not.

Either way, Clara doesn't really expect much for her birthday. Her father called (with Linda ranting in the background) to wish her a happy birthday. The kids in her class brought her a few ridiculous presents (like apples, chewable erasers) and the like. Some of her co-workers offered to go out for drinks (bless poor Danny Pink he tries so hard), but she turned down the offer. They asked if she'd spend all night grading papers and she said probably. Being a grown up with a birthday isn't much of a big deal.

Although she really is hoping that the Doctor would drop in for a surprise visit. Things have been different since they got back from Mandalus. Though she tried hiding it all under the rug and act like it was normal? It really hasn't been. They showed back up to save Gallifrey and since then there has been a bounce in his step. Though sometimes she feels like he looks at her a bit sadly--like he thinks she'll disappear if he looks away too long. Clara tries to ignore the looks and just smiles at him instead. Because, really, she isn't going anywhere.

She opens the door and steps into her flat, dropping her bag on the ground with a big sigh. Finally. Home. ]
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