Tuesday, August 9th, 2016

❝ brought to you by HELP I REMEMBER HOW MUCH I LOVE DC mun. ❞



✰ Post your character, name, and series in the subject. Include any preferences as well.
✰ Go to RNG and enter 1-6 for a scene type, and 1-20 for a scene to play out.
✰ Have fun!

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Saturday, April 12th, 2014

❝ oh how i love to be, love to be the underdog. ❞



✰ Post your character, name, and series in the subject. Include any preferences as well.
✰ Go to RNG and enter 1-6 for a scene type, and 1-20 for a scene to play out.
✰ Have fun!

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Thursday, September 19th, 2013

❝ i remember all the best days, on my way home. ❞



❧ Comment with your muse, placing the desired muse in the subject.
❧ If you have a particular RP verse with them? List it as well.
❧ The setting is your choice but is in fall!
❧ Pick one scenario:
🍁 Body Heat. The temperature is dropping and you both need some heat. Blankets, cuddles, hot drinks, anything that will bring the two of you together.
🍁 Sightseeing. Together, you both see the sights of the city. The leaves are falling and the pumpkins are out.
🍁 The Last Night. The next morning marks a significant point in your life that you do not want to face. You have the night before hand to spend with one person. What will you do?
🍁 Hurt+Comfort. One of you has been hurt recently. It is time to brighten up the spirits and let the injured one know it'll be alright.
🍁 You Decide! Have a scenario you want to play? Name it!
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Friday, July 26th, 2013

[call me out] ❝ a little party ain't never killed nobody. ❞


【 call me OUT. 】
a roleplay meme to inspire muses.
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Saturday, March 30th, 2013

❝ every little thing she does is magic. ❞

- Post your character, name, and series in the subject. Include any preferences as well.
- Go to RNG and enter 1-7 for a scene type, and 1-20 for a scene to play out.
- Have fun!

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Monday, May 16th, 2011

❝ the bittersweet between my teeth, trying to find the in-betweens. ❞

[ It felt good to be home again, where she belonged. But she missed it - will miss it - is missing it? The ability to run with her Doctor like all their strays do. Holding his hand. Kissing him - biting him! Most of all talking with him. Being able to tell him what she thought and felt beyond the chimes or lights dimming or flooding his mind with emotions. It wasn't the same as talking.

She had archived Idris's genetic code just in case. In case one day she could. Miracles happened. They saw so many miracles. Until that miracle came, she'd have to be very clever in how to do what she was doing. It took so much power to do it. She'd have to refuel for days! But, it was worth it. Her Doctor was always worth it.

While he was doing his little hobbies out and about her corridors, the TARDIS suddenly lurched. The silver lever slammed down and the sound of the parking breaks echoed through out the halls. The doors locked. She was going to surprise her Doctor. ]
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Saturday, May 14th, 2011

❝ i'd like to make myself believe that planet earth turns slowly. ❞

[ She walks from section to section of the console, looking everything over. It is odd seeing herself, but being outside of herself. But, if her thief can turn himself into a human, why couldn't she? Because she'll burn up the body because she isn't a humanoid. Though, she's clever. She's older than him. She's figured out how to at least project herself into the console room. It has taken some time, but she's managed it. Now she is waiting for everyone to wake up.

Oh, she loves showing herself off. First with console rooms now with this.

Hopefully the former-Idris doesn't mind her using her genetic signature. ]
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