Thursday, March 27th, 2014

❝ all these roads steer me wrong, but i still drive them all night long. ❞

[ It was supposed to be simple. Go to Rapture. Find Comstock. End him. Now... now? Now it's all gone wrong. No, not wrong, just... different. Unexpected really.

Time is running out. She only has so much time to find Comstock and get him to the proper place. It has to be before the New Years Eve Riots. Because she has to make sure it happens. Behind all the doors are multiple futures, but only one where Comstock is. This one. Except now there's him, and Elizabeth isn't sure what path to take now.

It is easy to see which door will lead to where. One leads him to joining Atlas' side and everything falls apart. One leads him to a new place, on the surface, but sometimes Josephina isn't with him. One leads him to another universe with her. Safe with his little sister, but they don't remember things as they should. Tears do that to normal people.

Then there's one that is so far away that she wonders if she can even get him there. One door that will lead him to a harder future, maybe Josephina is there and maybe she isn't, but he's with her. Not the same Elizabeth, of course, because she has her own path to walk. She has her own debts to settle and she knows them. This her though, she's so... broken. A version that needs exactly what Cordero can give her. Someone that will love her, care for her, hold her. One version of her can be happy with him. Its settling another debt really. Elizabeth knows exactly which version of her that one is.

She doesn't like to remember that sunny day in the river. Its still too painful. She misses Booker so much. Even then she knows she has to walk back to that day. She has to stand therein the water in front of Booker DeWitt as he pieces it all together. He always was smarter than he gave himself credit for. One by one, piece by piece, Booker realizes he's Zachary Comstock. He realizes that the cycle of Columbia can only end if he dies there. Everything of that timeline has to be erased.

"He's Zachary Comstock." A younger version of her says. Her hair long and in a Sunday dress.

"No. He's Booker DeWitt" That version says. Elizabeth looks at her.

She is so broken. Her small hands cling onto Booker's arm like a lifeline. He is. He's the only thing keeping her together. In that moment, Elizabeth sees everything this version of her has gone through. The torture at Comstock's hands, the months spent with Booker, the betrayal of Daisy, and how she convinced her Booker not to come. Except they both knew that Booker would come to the river. Now this version of her, who calls herself Anna DeWitt, is crying and begging him with her eyes not to go through with it. Booker looks at his Anna sadly before looking at Elizabeth. There is understanding in his eyes and she simply nods.

"No. I'm both."

Her hands go up with her other selves to drown him out. One by one they all disappear. Except her, but somehow, this version of her still exists too. Elizabeth isn't sure why Anna is there, but they are walking parallel paths. Anna falls deeper into depression and anger while Elizabeth continues dutifully down her path. Elizabeth stands then in front of Anna. The woman who looks exactly like her hugs herself and stumbles down a cobblestone path. It looks like Victorian London, but it isn't. That's when she realizes that she owes Anna a debt too. Not just Booker, not just Daisy, not just Sally. Anna too. Anna had her father taken away by her and now she has no one. She deserves someone, while Elizabeth is the one who has decided to finish the path. Anna is what she can't be: free.

She decides then that while the time she has now is precious and special, it has to end. She has to find Comstock and ends this all. She has to close this door and settle all her debts like her father did. It will be hard--walking this path never is. Cordero will be hurt and lost until he finds Anna, but it will be better for both of them. It hurts to let someone go that she cares about. Now she really understands how Booker felt.

Elizabeth looks up from the mirror in the bathroom. Pushing away from the sink, having seen Anna look back at her, she turns to exist the room. Now all that is left is to set the stage for this play. She has her own to attend and Cordero has his. ]
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Thursday, March 6th, 2014

❝ 'cause you make me feel like i've been locked out of heaven. ❞

[ Wow. It's her birthday again. That came fast. To think she had a birthday in Mandalus before having this one. She's the same age, according to the calendar, but she's almost like a year older. Sort of. Does it really count if you're mentally twenty-seven but by the count of Earth you're still twenty-six?

Probably not.

Either way, Clara doesn't really expect much for her birthday. Her father called (with Linda ranting in the background) to wish her a happy birthday. The kids in her class brought her a few ridiculous presents (like apples, chewable erasers) and the like. Some of her co-workers offered to go out for drinks (bless poor Danny Pink he tries so hard), but she turned down the offer. They asked if she'd spend all night grading papers and she said probably. Being a grown up with a birthday isn't much of a big deal.

Although she really is hoping that the Doctor would drop in for a surprise visit. Things have been different since they got back from Mandalus. Though she tried hiding it all under the rug and act like it was normal? It really hasn't been. They showed back up to save Gallifrey and since then there has been a bounce in his step. Though sometimes she feels like he looks at her a bit sadly--like he thinks she'll disappear if he looks away too long. Clara tries to ignore the looks and just smiles at him instead. Because, really, she isn't going anywhere.

She opens the door and steps into her flat, dropping her bag on the ground with a big sigh. Finally. Home. ]
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Sunday, March 10th, 2013

❝ better to be hated than loved, loved, love for what you're not. ❞


'I believe in you.'

They really shouldn't have.

Kirk sighed and dragged his hands down his face, looking out over the small camp of Resistance Fighters they had. The Serpent decimated Mandalus, destroyed the System, and they were damn lucky they'd been able to close the rips in the fabric of the universe to contain the Serpent. It took a lot of sacrifice on all of their parts. Not everyone made it out alive. That was three years ago, but it still was fresh in his mind like it was just minutes ago.

That was probably because he had set the Enterprise on a suicide drive into the Serpent. He barely made it out in time. Instead he got to stand on the ground and watch as his ship--his ship--flew straight into the Serpent.

He had looked at his best friend and said: 'Bones, what the hell did I just do?'

'What you always do, Jim. Cheated the rules and won.'

After looking over the sleeping members of his group, Kirk stood and walked away from the fire. He stood at the edge of the small cliff that looked over what used to be the Old Town. They were on their way to meet up with the others. It wouldn't be much longer, thank god. Kirk was tired of looking out over the desolate city that they had all called home for seven years. He was so done with this damn planet. Still, he thought he'd get back home to his universe. He'd see his crew and he'd see his ship again.


Kirk twirled the piece of metal in his hands. It was just a shard of the Enterprise. Something that had fallen to the ground, but he was keeping it. He wasn't sentimental about much, but this? He was damn sentimental about and no one was going to tell him otherwise. So what if he was thirty-five now? That wasn't going to change anything.

"You know," he smirked and looked over to the side. "I'm pretty sure that after ten years, you'd figure out how to sneak up on me, Meg."
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Wednesday, January 9th, 2013

❝ pray to your god, open your heart, whatever you do, don't be afraid of the dark. ❞

Captain James T. Kirk stepped onto the bridge of the USS Enterprise. He was mildly agitated, given the call from Chekov had woken him from a dead sleep. While it was their job to alert the Captain if anything changed or they encountered a planet, he wished they had bothered Spock. Spock was the one who took over when he rounded out. Though there was a distinct lack of one Mr. Spock on the bridge.

"Captain." Sulu addressed him as he stepped on.

"Sulu, Chekov." Kirk nodded to them in turn. "Where is Mr. Spock?"

"He left the bridge about an hour ago." Sulu glanced at Chekov. "He said if we found anything, we were to alert the Captain."

Pointy eared bastard. Kirk thought to himself. He took his place in the chair, leaning back and crossing his legs. "Alright. What do you have for me?"

"A ship, sir." Chekov replied in his thick accent.

"They were transmitting on the hailing frequencies." Uhura explained, and Kirk turned in his chair to look at the dark skinned communications officer. "But it's... odd."

"A different language?" Kirk asked. That was what usually was wrong.

Read more... )
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Wednesday, October 19th, 2011

❝ but these are the sins of my youth. would you love me still? ❞

The great thing about being relatively well known was that he could disappear. In the sense that he could pretend to be someone else, even for a short amount of time, and forget everything that happened. He could forget that he was a lonely, miserable college student with no family or no real friends. He didn't let people close anymore. Not after losing the one person he did let in.

Even though he was naturally flirty, Charles just amplified it whenever he was in bars or parties. Despite the playboy persona, he had the highest grades, and most people were generally confused by how he managed to pull it off. Of course, he was a genius. It wasn't hard to put things together. The few nights he did party were far and between. Most of the time he sat holed up in his apartment and worked on his thesis or something else. Anything to keep his mind off of things he'd rather not think about.

So, there he sat at the well known pub in Oxford, swirling his drink around in his cup. He probably already had one too many, but he wasn't at the point of caring. His thesis was going to be due soon and he'd be a professor. A professor of what? Mutated genetics. He would probably get a job teaching somewhere and be one of those crack pot people no one respected and thought was insane. Hell, maybe he was. He honestly didn't know anymore.
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Friday, September 30th, 2011

❝ louder than sirens, louder than bells, sweeter than heaven, and hotter than hell. ❞

[ She takes her time investigating as much as she can. Of course, the sixties didn't have all the modern conveniences as the time her adopted brother was in, but Loki found her ways to get the information she was looking for. A mutant strike team to go against another mutant strike team to avoid kicking off another world war - just as Charles had said. Loki's impressed, given most of her experience with mortals is they'd lie to get whatever they wanted. Just like her.

He said a few days, and she makes sure to wait that long. She did tell him it was a game after all. Though she has her own reasoning to join his little team of mutants. Being in the graces of the CIA will get her closer to the SHIELD operatives. While she's about nearly fifty years too early for what the Avengers are doing, she might be able to just tweak things slightly in her favor. Maybe keep them off her trail, maybe misguide them. She's sure she can find a way to keep them out of her life. Her brother wasn't the brightest, but not even Loki is going to underestimate Thor's ability to try and find his beloved adopted brother--sister, in this case.

Loki goes to the hotel and speaks to the man at the desk. It's rather easy to convince him she's "Mr. Xavier's fiancee" to get a key to his room. She slips inside his room, taking note of the simple decor before closing and locking the door behind her and dropping the key on the nearby table. With a smirk she moves to the bedroom and sits on the bed, leaning against the headboard and crossing her legs. It was just for his reaction, but, she found it far too much fun to try and get reactions out of the telepath. ]
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Saturday, September 17th, 2011

❝ they're gonna eat me alive if i stumble, can you hear my heart beating like a hammer? ❞

[ Jon made his way back from his post. He and Sam had been the night shift again, but, he knew that was just pay back for proving Ser Thorne wrong in the training. It was early morning now, and as hungry as he was, Jon didn't have it in him to eat. Not yet. Ghost was at his heels, as always, following him like a shadow. His mind strayed from his Uncle Ben to the red haired woman he had sent off to Winterfell. He hopped Robb would show her far more kindness than Lady Stark would.

Suddenly, Ghost bolted off towards one of the abandoned quarters of Castle Black. With a quick glance around, Jon followed the growing direwolf quickly. Ghost whined and clawed at the door, trying to force it open. Jon came to his side, easing him down before putting his hand on the door handle. He paused for a moment, then forced it open. ]

Ghost. There's nothing in here.
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Friday, August 26th, 2011

❝ and the shields are left to rust, that's what the water gave us. ❞

[ Being reborn as a woman was the least of his problems, she supposes. It could have turned out far worse. As such, she could have been reborn as pathetic, weak, mortal woman. Instead she has been graced to be given another Asgardian body, one that is fit and tone and can take a beating. In a way, it reminds her of Sif, but the body is clearly far more delicate than the toned warrior Asgardian woman. It can take a beating, but it is far more tuned for the magics of the higher Realms. Which only makes sense, given that sorcery is seen as a woman's practice. Oh, how Thor had made fun of her. And now he sits a top the realm of Midgard with his precious Avengers; the mortals that mean far more than family.

Not that she is blood family. She was the daughter of Laufey, King of the Frost Giants.

No longer, of course. This body is Asgardian, and holds no properties of the Frost Giants. A tool of the Frost Giant's would rip her to pieces. A good thing she has other devices that not even the mighty Odin knows of.

Still, to keep herself an unknown even to the eyes of Heimdall, she manipulates the threads of time. As opposed to the time of her brother, she sets herself farther back in the days where no one thought the Asgardians were more than mere myths. It is far easier to hide in the past then attempt to hide in the present, even in her new body. ]
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Friday, July 1st, 2011

❝ did you ever picture life like this? no shooting star to grant your wish. ❞

Leto Atreides II, Emperor of the Known Universe, ran and ran. The harsh winds of Arrakis - Dune - cut across his skin but he didn't pay any attention to it. There was so much work to be done, so many Freman tribes to bring under his rule, so many Houses to dismantle, and so much spice to control. He who controlled the spice controlled the universe. The Golden Path required that the spice become nearly diminished, making it nearly impossible for people to fly between worlds. It was hundreds of years off, but Leto knew he had to start preparing now. Nothing could be left for later.

He came to a stop at the edge of the desert, looking down over the cliffs that led to Arrakeen. He had seen the transformation of the capital in his visions. It would become a place where people worshiped him, a God Emperor, and then a city for Priests of a far off and distant religion... that would not happen until he had been dead for some time. That was, if they did not falter from the Golden Path.

Leto made his way into the city, taking a cloak that had been hanging in the sun to dry and flipped the hood over his face, making his way straight towards the Grand Palace. The sun was setting on Arrakeen, meaning that the Palace would be quiet as he made his way through the halls. Paul, his father, still lived strongly inside his consciousness and his habits of sneaking in and out of the Palace remained a ever present influence, but just an influence. He survived the Spice Agony. He could safely shift through memories of his ancestors and seek their guidance but not become an Abomination as Alia had.

Without warning, Leto entered his twin's chambers and closed the door behind him. Not that he would have to announce himself; she'd know he was there. Part of it was most certainly because they had awoken to consciousness of an adult inside their mother's womb, and had been communicating since the day they awoke, but Leto was sure if they had been normal twins, they would simply know.

He reached up and pulled the hood off, turning towards the bed chambers to look for his twin. The sandtrout on his body hadn't grown farther than the last time she had seen him, just covering his arm and some of his back, neck and a bit of his face. It took decades for worms to grow to their full size, but he was already changing. They both knew it.

Leto took a step into the bedroom. "Ghanima."
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Wednesday, June 29th, 2011

❝ gimme sympathy when all of this is done, oh seriously, you're gonna make mistakes. ❞

[ Charles had explained to his small class of mutant students who Charlotte was. He had every intention of lying to them, to say that she was his cousin, but he found himself unable to when he looked them in the eyes. They had already lost so much. How could he start telling them lies on top of it? He couldn't. He knew Charlotte would understand, given she was him, even if she hadn't lived through the corresponding events in her reality yet. Hank had promised to start working out what he could, but it would put back the Cerebro Project. Charles didn't mind. If realities were bleeding together, it was a higher priority than funding his school and finding mutants. They couldn't have duplicates of mutants running around. That, however, had all been a few days ago.

After the fatigue of the discovery of an alternate, but parallel timeline, and the work starting on the mansion, Charles was in need of a break... and he figured that Charlotte was as well. After all, she hovered over him like a mother hen, and it had to drive her as insane as it drove him. That was what made him proclaim the two of them would be spending the day at the near by park. It was a bit of a drive, but, it'd be worth it. Or at least he hoped it would be.

Charles proceeded to wheel himself down the path, glancing over his shoulder to make sure that Charlotte was still there. Which was ridiculous, he could always just open his mind and sense her, but he was feeling particularly private. Perhaps it was because the park was filled with families and children on a Saturday afternoon and he didn't want to distract her already, or perhaps just because he felt like keeping to himself. Whatever the reason, Charles didn't share it.

Satisfied that Charlotte was fine for the moment, Charles continued to wheel himself towards the chessboard. The area was empty, save for a fellow and his friend, and older pair, who were locked into their game. Charles watched them for a moment, watching their game, before looking back at the chessboard beside him. He didn't move any of the pieces, instead he simply looked at it with a sense of purpose and hesitation. Chess was no longer a game, it had become a metaphor of his life... and he wasn't sure he liked it. ]
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Wednesday, June 22nd, 2011

"Winter's cold spring erases"

Erik's words hung heavy in Charlotte's mind as she stared at the chessboard before her. Erik had excused himself to return to his quarters, leaving Charlotte alone for the rest of the evening. She stared at the pieces, emotion welling up in her eyes and she lifted a hand, swiping at her cheek. Erik was wrong. There could be peace. Together, with their team, they could achieve it. And save the planet from World War III as well. But he was so sure, so set in his ways that killing Sebastian Shaw was the only way he could move on. Charlotte knew otherwise. Killing Shaw was a temporary fix to a much longer problem, not a solution. Erik would find that he would not be sated with just killing Shaw. He would target others; people he's found wrongdoing, their fear and hatred forced outwards, towards the mutants.

With an exhausted sigh, Charlotte stood, putting out the fire. Grabbing her and Erik's empty glasses as she went, the young, unemployed professor started for the kitchen. Intending to get herself a stronger drink before she retired to her room. She found her gaze straying towards the faint smear from Eric's lips on the side of the martini glass he'd used. Such a silly, childish thing to do. She was no longer a teenager, with a schoolgirl crush. She had farm more important things to focus on.

Halfway to the kitchen, Charlotte stopped. A small groan escaped her and she lifted her hand to her head. She was overcome by a sensation of nausea and dizziness, like she'd ridden one of the rides at the World's Fair. Charlotte focused on her breathing, not wanting to upend the contents of her stomach on the hallway carpet. Once the dizziness had passed, she continued into the kitchen, then stopped.

Something was odd.
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Friday, June 17th, 2011

❝ if I want to get along with change, who doesn't wanna change this? ❞

[ He groaned and placed the back of his hand to his forehead, shutting his eyes tightly. It felt as if the entire world had suddenly shifted and threw him around like a rag doll. And he knew what it was like to be a rag doll, especially when he had been on a spy plane that had to dodge missiles. Yes, he knew what it was like, and it was far from pleasant.

He took a deep breath and waited for everything to stop moving. Which he almost wish it hadn't. Suddenly a whirlwind of thoughts tore through his mind and he shut his eyes tightly in an attempt to sort through all of them. Strange. Before it was just Hank, Alex and Sean... but these were nearly a hundred or more minds. Had he been rendered unconscious and taken elsewhere? Erik wouldn't stoop so low. Erik would prefer a direct approach when it came down to the two of them.

Charles daringly opened his eyes to find the sun above him beaming down in high afternoon. Afternoon, wasn't it supposed to be morning? He turned his head, finding he was outside in the grass of his mansion. Speaking of the mansion, it looked entirely different. Not entirely different, but there was more added onto it then the last time he looked at it, which had been just a few moments ago.

He looked down at himself. No wheelchair. ]

Bloody hell. [ Charles sighed in irritation and pushed himself up with his elbows. No one was around... desperate measures, it seemed. He wasn't about to try and crawl like a soldier back to his own mansion.

He placed his fingers to his temple and closed his eyes. Someone out there in the sea of minds had to be willing to be open to telepathy. ]

Hello. I do apologize for entering your mind without permission and rather suddenly, but I am afraid I am in need of assistance. Could you spare a few moments of your time?
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Sunday, May 22nd, 2011

"You've got me"

All was quite in the console room of the TARDIS. All the little companions, the orange-y one and the pretty one, had gone off to bed. They quite liked their new room. The engines thrummed quietly, almost lulling the pair to sleep faster. Most nights, they would stay up later, doing things that would make the Doctor blush. Has made the Doctor blush. Is making the Doctor blush.

Funny how a man of such age could act like such a child sometimes. He'd done some of the things the orange-y and pretty ones had done. Some, but not all. They didn't have many of those actions on Gallifrey. Stuffy old Time Lords. The old men and their silent boxes, insistent on simply watching the universe, not living in it. That's how her thief differed. He wanted to live.

The lights on the console brightened to the point of blinding before shorting out. The console room was otherwise lit, but the console itself was dark. Power had been diverted to the monitor's audio/visual converter, causing the device to work overtime. The converter was strained from the effort and a warning chime was heard throughout the TARDIS, save the pretty and orange-y ones' room. The chime was not meant for their ears. It was meant for someone else's.
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Tuesday, May 17th, 2011

❝ so when you think of me, do so with pride. honor and bravery ruled by my side. ❞

[ Jon walked along the Wall, late at night, his turn on the rounds. Forever sworn to be part of the Nightwatch. Or at least about to be sworn to. Which was fine by him, in all honest means. He was a bastard son. He would bring shame to his father if he ever had a child... not to mention he hadn't found a woman he'd want to father a child with. Not that there weren't beautiful or deserving women in the land of Winterfell.

Just none that he could see breaking his vow of self honor to. ]
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Sunday, May 1st, 2011

❝ well that's all that you are, you're just one shining star. ❞

[ Rory leaned against the railing of the console room. He wasn't sure where the Doctor had gotten off to, and he had left Amy asleep in their room. It was fine though. He didn't mind the quiet every now and then. Especially when he had to think. He sighed. 1969 wasn't all that better the second time around.

What he wanted and could remember of it from the first time around.

He looked at the recording device that had been inside of Amy's hand. He held it between his fingers, turning it over. Did he feel horrid for listening on Amy and the Doctor's conversation? Yeah, a bit. Was he upset that Amy told her best friend before him? Yeah, a bit. People normally told their friends first, so they could figure out how to tell their spouses. Normally. Amy was far from normal. That was why he liked her at first. She was different in the same old sleepy town of Leadworth.

Rory hung his head. ]

Fat lot of good this is doing anyone, Rory.
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