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❝ knew that somehow I could find my way back. ❞

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"You've got me" [22 May 2011|03:16pm]
All was quite in the console room of the TARDIS. All the little companions, the orange-y one and the pretty one, had gone off to bed. They quite liked their new room. The engines thrummed quietly, almost lulling the pair to sleep faster. Most nights, they would stay up later, doing things that would make the Doctor blush. Has made the Doctor blush. Is making the Doctor blush.

Funny how a man of such age could act like such a child sometimes. He'd done some of the things the orange-y and pretty ones had done. Some, but not all. They didn't have many of those actions on Gallifrey. Stuffy old Time Lords. The old men and their silent boxes, insistent on simply watching the universe, not living in it. That's how her thief differed. He wanted to live.

The lights on the console brightened to the point of blinding before shorting out. The console room was otherwise lit, but the console itself was dark. Power had been diverted to the monitor's audio/visual converter, causing the device to work overtime. The converter was strained from the effort and a warning chime was heard throughout the TARDIS, save the pretty and orange-y ones' room. The chime was not meant for their ears. It was meant for someone else's.

[ viewing | May 22nd, 2011 ]
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