❛ knew that somehow I could find my way back.❜ -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
❝ knew that somehow I could find my way back. ❞

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❝ i'd like to make myself believe that planet earth turns slowly. ❞ [14 May 2011|10:15pm]
[ She walks from section to section of the console, looking everything over. It is odd seeing herself, but being outside of herself. But, if her thief can turn himself into a human, why couldn't she? Because she'll burn up the body because she isn't a humanoid. Though, she's clever. She's older than him. She's figured out how to at least project herself into the console room. It has taken some time, but she's managed it. Now she is waiting for everyone to wake up.

Oh, she loves showing herself off. First with console rooms now with this.

Hopefully the former-Idris doesn't mind her using her genetic signature. ]

[ viewing | May 14th, 2011 ]
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