Fair is an original character fairy tale game based on the world created by Gail Carson Levine's books Ella Enchanted, Fairest, and The Two Princesses of Bamarre. If you've never read those books, don't worry! You can just look at the game like any other fairy tale game around. :)
There are a few characters that we'd love to see in the game to help fill in some plot...
Bess Guidon, the town's apprentice healer, is missing her husband, Tristan. Tristan is a knight, and he loves his wife more than anything, but something deep down tells him that she doesn't feel the same. He gives her everything he can in the hope that she'll stay with him, but somehow it's not enough for Bess.
Abigail Hall is missing her sister, Eleanor. The two were separated as children, and Abby misses her dearly.
Serenity Somerset ran away from her privileged life ten years ago, leaving behind her sisters Hope, Faith, Blythe and Verity. These three sisters are all married, and one is playing host to elder unwed sister Grace, as well. Serenity works as a barmaid, but it can't be long before her past catches up with her.
Marta Damaran works in the palace as a servant, and she is missing her brothers, Markhas, Damin, and Richard Damaran. Richard also works in the palace, but Markhas and Damin have not seen him or Marta since she they ran away as children.
We would all love to see the Prince of Frell. With his father falling ill, the prince knows he will soon assume the throne- but despite this, he is still widely considered to be young, spoiled, and the biggest brat in the kingdom.
There are several other character suggestions on the cast list, and original characters are welcome and encouraged! ♥