Nov. 28th, 2011


As it's been a LONG time for all of these:

→ Needing the latest Evan Rachel Wood icons around! Preferably not from any films (unless most recent). Candid, photoshoots, etc would be the best. ♥

→ Also needing non-House related Olivia Wilde icons that are recent (2009 - 2011 roughly). Again, photoshoots, candids, etc work best.

→ Finally more Gaspard Ulliel with his adorable facial hair. ♥ Anything, really.

I have checked the memories of [info]wikicon and [info]pb_updates. So anything that's tucked away somewhere not available in the memories of those communities would make me so happy. Thank you! ♥

Dec. 18th, 2010


Olivia Wilde in Tron: Legacy

I know it's possibly a little early, but I'm searching for Olivia Wilde as she appears as Quorra in Tron: Legacy.

Apr. 27th, 2010


This may be a long shot, but does anyone have icons of Olivia Wilde in Year One?

Jun. 4th, 2009


I was wondering if anyone knew where I could find some icons of Olivia Wilde as a blonde?

I already have the ones from Hollow Art and [info]soconvinced (:

Please and thank you!

Feb. 22nd, 2009


Olivia Wilde

Long shot but does anybody know of any icons of Olivia Wilde in The Black Donnellys or of her and Jonathan Tucker?

Jun. 12th, 2008


Olivia Wilde, dark-haired, but movie or TV screencaps rather than photoshoots. I have all the photoshoot icons I could possibly want; I'm looking for facial expressions, talking shots, etc.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Apr. 28th, 2008


blonde olivia wilde?

Jan. 26th, 2008


Olivia Wilde with brunette hair? I already have the set from [info]mayonegg.

March 2024




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