February 27th, 2008

[info]ex_moustache937 in [info]find_icons

Mink Kelly? Preferably FNL caps. Got the ones from [info]soconvinced and [info]iconsbytink Think some from [info]puffed via GJ, right? Yes. I think so.

Help would be great :]

[info]baskervilles in [info]find_icons

Justin Long, anyone? Ideally from Die Hard, but will take any.

[info]drsnarkfest in [info]find_icons

Helena Bonham Carter? I already know of hollow_art on LJ, and the ones listed on the comm on GJ. Checking to see if there's any I missed over here.

Please and thank you!

[info]teleporter in [info]find_icons

Natassia Malthe anyone? Nothing from DoA please.

[info]learntofly in [info]find_icons

Paula Brancatti? Preferably from Degrassi.

[info]shatner in [info]find_icons

Are there any Barbara Meier icons out there? I know I saw some, though I don't know if they were here or on GJ...other than [info]nashira's (By the way, thank you! Your pb_updates post turned on the "a-ha, PERFECT PB" switch!).

Any help would be much appreciated! Thank you!

[info]radio4 in [info]find_icons

Would be forever indebted to some Jason Schwarzman, please!

[info]vikipedia in [info]find_icons

I know how unlikely my odds are here, but I'm going to try! Anyone have or know of any icons of Nikolaj Coster-Waldau? I'm not entirely picky about the movie/series, but the more recent the better. Thanks in advance!

[info]pie in [info]find_icons

James Marsters please! Preferably as Spike from BTVS.

[info]silverytides in [info]find_icons

Mélanie Thierry? Other than those by Snezana?

[info]loudmouth in [info]find_icons

Agnes Bruckner? Other than [info]emptyboxes & littlepuffin @ GJ? I'm trying to find newer ones, like caps from Blood and Chocolate...just more normal, not werewolfy or whatever haha. If that makes sense =] Thanks!

[info]hopedangles in [info]find_icons

Jennifer Morrison, other than [info]withmidnightsun and [info]lemonyfreshness? Preferably as Dr. Allison Cameron, but all icons are welcome.

March 2024



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