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[21 Oct 2012|04:40pm]
Hi! I'm Phoebe, and I'm looking for two particular storylines for [info]exordia, an AU game that crosses Harry Potter with the TV show Once Upon a Time. You can find details about the premise here.

I currently have a hold on Severus Snape, but because no one remembers magic or their real past, I was hoping to find a Lily Evans player who would be willing to apply with me and start the game off with a Lily/Snape marriage. All details are negotiable! As they slowly regain their memories, I think it would be a ton of fun to see how they would both react to the truth that Lily had married James instead.

I'm also hoping to find a Remus Lupin player. I play Tonks, who was abandoned at birth and has had a rough life. She and Remus married in 2007 (the timeline of the game is a bit different, and everything's pushed forward ten years), and I would love to see him in play. You can find out more information about this version of Tonks in this journal.

I'm a solid player with almost ten years of experience, and I'm interested in playing out the stages of conflict that might arise as both couples regain their memories rather than solely focusing on the happy, fluffy side of things. If you're interested, comment here, and I'd love to chat. Thanks! :)
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[21 Oct 2012|10:38pm]
I play Harry Potter over at [info]ftshadesmods, an AU Harry Potter game, and I would love to see James Sirius Potter, Hermione Granger Weasley, as well as all the missing Weasleys [Bill, Percy, etc.] The game is active and friendly. Feel free to comment if you want more information. There's an extensive wanted list here.
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