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[20 Oct 2012|02:29am]
I'm one of the mods over at [info]froward, an AU MWPP-era game set in 1975 in which Voldemort becomes the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts, creates a secret society at the school, and opens the Chamber of Secrets, resulting in Dumbledore's creation of the Order of the Phoenix. Our game is opening tomorrow, and we still have a ton of amazing characters available that we would like to see cast in the near future.

1. We are in desperate need of muggleborns, as we do not have any currently in game. Since they are all still open, Lily Evans and the 7th Year Ravenclaw Headboy are available. These characters would be especially fun to play, as many of them will be unknowingly monitored and protected by members of the Order of the Phoenix upon the group's formation.

2. Prefects! These people will be forced to take on added responsibilities when the Chamber of Secrets opens, such as walking younger students to and from classes. We still have eleven prefects available, and several of them are Persons of Color, including Roshan (7th year Ravenclaw), Chang (7th year Gryffindor), Li (6th year Hufflepuff), and Shafiq (5th year Slytherin). We would also like to see Lucius Malfoy and Gawain Robards.

3. We would like to see more Seventh Year Future Order Members, as they will be the first invited into the Order. We still have Edgar Bones, Sturgis Podmore, Gideon Prewett, and Fabian Prewett available.

4. As of right now, we only have three Ravenclaws cast in the game, so there are still plenty to choose from and several open Quidditch spots. Right now, we have members of both factions at the school including Sturgis Podmore, Gibbon, Jugson, and Yaxley open. Also, we have a ton of awesome unaffiliated members in Ravenclaw that are still available, such as Rita Skeeter, Meaghan McCormack, and Quirinius Quirrell .

5. Hufflepuffs! While we do have more Hufflepuffs than Ravenclaws, there are still many that we would like to see in game, such as Amelia Bones, Edgar Bones, Crabbe, Dirk Cresswell (Muggleborn. Slug Club member. Potions bamf. Beloved by Slughorn.) Goyle, and Benjy Fenwick. There are also many Hufflepuff Quidditch spots that are still open, including the ones that belong to Indira Choudry and Galvin Gudgeon, two future Professional Quidditch players.

6. Surprisingly, we don't have that many Gryffindors. While we do have the majority of the Marauders cast, we are still missing Peter Pettigrew, and I'm pretty sure that James would like to see Lily Evans cast.
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