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[06 Jul 2011|12:32am]
I would love a (or even a few) Harry Potter fandom PSLs. Right now, I don't have a ton going on RP-wise and I would like that to change! I should tell you a few things about me:

I RP femmeslash almost exclusively.

My story lines tend to be on the lighter side though I definitely enjoy darker aspects in those lines. I usually enjoy a happy ending but can enjoy darker lines with darker outcomes from time to time.

The characters I play are quite numerous. I have played most of the canon girls at one point or another. Tracey Davis, Ginny Weasley, Lavender Brown and Katie Bell are some of my favorites. I am open to playing lots of others though including Next Gen characters.

I prefer long term lines. I have quite a few RP patterns that I have done lines with for over 2 years. So, the idea of an expansive line is quite appealing to me.

Settings: Hogwarts is my favorite but I am willing to do post-Hogwarts lines.

If anyone is interested in kicking around some ideas, I would love to do that! So, drop me a comment!
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home? [06 Jul 2011|02:33pm]
Hello! I'm Lorena and I am looking for a home for a few of my characters: Astoria Greengrass, Dolores Umbridge, Pete Pettigrew, Gilderoy Lockhart, and Abe Dumbledore. I would be up for trying other characters as well if the storyline is enticing. I don't have any preferences regarding setting but I am looking for a game that is active and welcoming. I really would prefer not to write an app for a game where no one is willing to interact with new players. Otherwise, I'm up for anything! Oh, and I do not object to PSLs! :)
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[06 Jul 2011|06:25pm]
Hello to anyone and everyone out there! My name is Aarika and I play Michael Corner and Mandy Brocklehurst (and a good deal others) over at [info]veritaserum_rp. Right now it's a plot driven low-key post-HP RPG with some PSL action, which is what I am looking to fill here.

My Mandy and Michael would really enjoy it if anyone could come fill the role of Terry Boot. He's one of Michael's best mates and someone I usually like for Mandy as a boyfriend. My Michael is pretty lighthearted and fun, so whether your Terry is just as easy-going or a bit more serious, I think the dynamic would be amazing.

We have an excellent cast of RPers and we definitely do our best to make you apart of the group. (We want you to stay! ;D) Please check us out!
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