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[29 Aug 2009|09:24am]
I'm looking for a place to play Sirius Black, preferably school-aged Marauder Era, but anything will do, really as long as there's some form of coherent plot.
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[29 Aug 2009|02:40pm]
Hi there. I'm Bette, playing at Wished. Most of the roles that I posted looking for before are being held or have already been applied for, which is awesome, so there are a few characters who would definitely be loved at the game and I thought I'd post here again to look for them.

Looking For! )

Wished is a Trio Era AU, diverging from canon halfway through HBP and set in 7th year. We're already very active, and have a large and friendly cast. There are also many 'last name only' type students available, if you have a character concept already that you would like to play with, or if you have a character personality you'd like to transplant to a blank slate.

We're a well organized game with a cast base that is friendly and welcoming. We have only been open for a month, but we already have quite a large case of characters and you can see from our public game recaps how active we are. This is not a game that will die in a month. Take a look if it seems interesting to you, and if you have any questions please ask!
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[29 Aug 2009|07:29pm]
Hello all! I'm Kim and I play Christine Nott over at [info]bumpshunted, a canon marauders era game. I'm in desperate need of a husband! Any pb would be lovely. We're really active and everyone is super nice. The mod journal is [info]bumpers, check it out!
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Seeking Scorpius Malfoy [29 Aug 2009|08:03pm]
Drifting over from [info]breaking_point, we are - once again - looking to recast Scorpius Malfoy. He has some minor backstory, and some of it can be retconned, dismissed, or negated, but we are respectfully requesting that he remain straight, as the prior two players applied him that way.

We do have a few wanted returnees as well - I think Gideon Prewett was on the list, and Godric might like some friends from his own time. The Scamander boys might like their parents around, and I would bake a million internet cookies to whoever sated my OCD by filling the caretaker spot on the Hogwart's cast list. I've been staring at it and trying to find a muse to fill it, but I just haven't got that in me.

Maybe someone out there does? ::peers through monitor:: You, maybe? Yeah you, in the blue? ::nodnods:: You want in, right?

Breaking Point is a dark, fast-paced, plot-centric, future-gen game set in 2024. There are plots for both students and adults; we have a cast list of over 140 80 characters to interact with (yes, we're a little insane, shh), and with the returnee plot, any character from canon, dead or alive, can be played.
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[29 Aug 2009|09:43pm]

I'm Bee, and am currently in need of a new game or two. I mainly play Mandy Brocklehurst and Theodore Nott, and would love a good home for either/both of them. I'm interested mostly in canon games, though non-epilogue compliant would be cool. I'd also like either Post-War or school-aged games; no Next-Gen or MWPP please. If there are any other generations or Salem/Beauxbatons/Durmstrag games out there, those would be brilliant as well. Oh and finally, I've had a lot og games die on me with mods up and disappearing, so I may prefer something that's been around a bit.

I've played HP for far too many years now, and age restrictions shouldn't be a problem, though I am located in the UK, so anything that relies heavily on AIM scenes, or requires attending chats would be very difficult for me to do. Anyway, hope there's something out there! And thanks for helping.
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