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Wanted: Severus and a mean DE [07 Apr 2009|10:27pm]
Hey dudes. My name's Alison and I'm playing (and modding) at Chronic Resurrection (via [info]cr_mod). It's a Harry Potter AU time-travel game set in 1978 and 1999 and we're in need of a few people but today I'm specifically looking for two: Severus Snape and a sadistic DE.

1) Snapey
We recently lost our Severus due to inactivity and we want another one! This is a really great game for Severus because he's one of the time-travellers: basically, in 1978 he has all his memories from the 90s, but he's still in his teenage body. There may be a few things he'd like to do differently! Our last Severus managed to make up with Lily, and Lily's player would like to keep that backstory, but other than that it's pretty open. We're quite a Slytherin-heavy game and would love to play out how their renewed friendship impacts on Severus' other relationships and his involvement with the DE. We're open to slash if your Severus wants to drown his sorrows that way, and there's several possible candidates. It would also be awesome to play out tension with the marauders - we have all four in play (Peter is another time-traveller) and James has just started going out with Lily, so I imagine there'd be some fun tension there! It would also totally freak out Harry (another time-traveller, but the type that just arrives bodily in the past) if Severus tried to break James and Lily up and/or get together with her himself. It is basically open, but there is loads of potential!
In 1999 the situation is quite AU. With Harry preoccupied with trying to change history in 1978, stuff has gone kind of baaaad and Voldemort is in power. Which is brilliant fun to play out :-) There's plenty of Death Eaters to hang out with and a whole load of plot to work with. Voldemort has control of the school as well as the Ministry, so if Severus wants to be Headmaster, that would be cool. We have other DE teachers in play and a few students too. So plenty of potential here as well.

2) A sadistic Death Eater
As I said above, this is a Slytherin-heavy and DE-strong game. We loooooove bad guys. What I'm looking for here is a husband for one of my characters. You can see her profile here: 1978 and 1999. She's basically very introverted, very child-like, very delicate, spoilt and pretty manipulative, particularly with regards to using her sexuality to get what she wants. She had quite a lonely childhood and was also sexually abused. What I basically have envisaged for her is that she'll marry a Death Eater who'll go to Azkaban after the first war, then be back at large in 1999 now that Voldemort is in power and curtail the freedom she managed to scrape whilst he was gone. She's a closet lesbian so it's unlikely to be a happy marriage on her part! In 1978 there's potential for them to get together, and in 1999 they'd be already married. Check out her bio if you think you could play that sort of character and see if you like the idea. Canon DE who could fill this role include Mulciber, Travers, Selwyn or Thorfinn Rowle but we'd also be open to OCs with canon last names.

Other characters we want to see include: Rabastan Lestrange (we have Rodolphus and Bellatrix), Mulciber (we have Avery), Alecto Carrow (I have an idea for an Amycus), Ted Tonks (we have Andromeda and Nymphadora), Odette and Francis Avery (wife and son for Lanyon Avery) and Phillip, Kat, and Damien Jugson (children to Armand and Keagan Jugson).

Feel free to ask questions by commenting below, or my email (and gchat) is herringprincess at gmail dot com and my AIM is imphandsosmywife. :-)
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