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[25 Oct 2008|10:20am]
Home for Bellatrix & Rodolphus Lestrange, svp?
They're intense.
They're inbred.
They're everyone's favourite crazies!
Any age. Please no shipping-based games.
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LOOKING FOR A PLAYER TO FILL A SL: [25 Oct 2008|01:33pm]
About me and the character I play: Hi! I'm Julia and I play Lily Evans and Ernest MacMillan over at [info]imagine_if.

Character wanted to fill a SL & why: I'd love to see more characters with dark leanings. For the last month, the entire game has been replying to a group thread in which Dumbledore is starting to feel out who will serve his side well. I'd like to ultimately do the same thing with Voldemort and his followers.

The game itself is meant to be smaller and focused on character development under the AU idea that Lily forgave Severus. We want to know what happens then. The war will happen, but who is fighting for which side? How is Harry Potter born? It's meant to have a mix of light-hearted and heavier plots and while we already have a good cast of dedicated and talented players, we'd really like to see characters such as:

Frank Longbottom, Evan Rosier, Barty Crouch Jr., Sirius Black, Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix Black, the Lestrange brothers, and many more!

Game to join: [info]imagine_if via [info]imagine_mods. Thanks!
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