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[23 Aug 2008|05:20am]
Hi, I'm Nijhia. I'm looking for a roleplay to join that would actually need my character. I also am looking for plot, I don't care what kind it is. I try my absolute best when I have plottage and I'm active if I have something to do!

Alecto Carrow: I play her being kind of quirky, strange and has totally the hots for Rabastan. It's currently an unrequited love kind of thing. I DO NOT play her as a twin, I play her 3-4 years younger than Amycus and I prefer to play her in school or postwarts. I'm not a fan of playing her over 30+ because Kat Dennings(my pb) can't pass for 30+

Millicent Bulstrode: She's rude to people sometimes and doesn't give a shit about them. She's a very peculiar character, if you are looking to recruit me please have an open mind. I also play her pureblooded, just for FYI.

Maisie Cattermole: Depending on the year of the game, I change her age around. I usually play her inbetween 16-21 but no older. I like playing her usually attached to a character through a job, she's my newest muse and I'm looking for a place where I can satisfy my needs for her.

If you want to IM me: her riddle
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[23 Aug 2008|11:36pm]
Hi, I'm Shana and I play Rodolphus Lestrange at [info]veritaserum_rp a post-hogwarts, AU for DH, RPG with lots of interesting plots on going!

Basically, I would love, love, LOVE to see:

Rabastan Lestrange: Roddy needs his little brother around to pick on and plot evil together, seeing as they're currently both on the run, and Roddy is being trumpeted as the new Dark Lord having organized all the escaped deatheaters into a group known as The Renegades.

Justin Finch-Fletchley: Honestly, Roddy has no need for this boy, but the Hufflepuffs in our game sure would! Justin is the head of a muggle friendly organization: Wizards for Muggles but really he's the secret mastermind behind a pureblood dilution scheme....Any one up to playing an interesting take on the sweet and kind Hufflepuff?

Pansy Parkinson: Oi, Pansy! The Slytherins need their little queen. Roddy wouldn't mind you around either...

Neville Longbottom: Ah yes, the boy whose parents I tortured. I'd love to have you around to taunt you just the slightest ... But in terms of the bigger picture: Our next little mini plot is based around Neville and we'd really love a Neville in game to give his reactions and add dimension to it!

So if you have the calling for any of the above, run over to [info]veritaserum_rp. We'd love to see you there!
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