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:D Looking for characters [23 Jun 2008|04:56pm]
Hello! I am Alya and I play Nicodemus Prod, Albus Potter, Maclovius O'Carolan and Danielle Hooper at [info]bravenew_rpg, a next-gen HP game that is set in 2022. The game is more socially-focused, but the mod gives us awesome plot prompts to work with, and I can assure you that even though it opened recently (June 15th), we've been having a blast so far~!

The Weasleys; especially Fred, Lucy, and Hugo Weasley! Hugo will definitely not be alone, as he's in the same Year and House as the already played Lily Potter. His other family members will also be around for him to bother!
Lorcan Scamander; the other half of the the Scamander twins!
Lawrence Pucey; the youngest brother of Norwood ([info]norwoody) and Meriwether([info]meriwether) Pucey, who are also neighbours of Albus, Lily, and James Potter. There is a lot of potential backstory with this character, and it helps that his older brothers are already in the game! ;)
SIXTH YEAR GRYFFINDORS! Aaron Longbottom (who is also a Prefect) is available at the moment, and his younger sister Emily ([info]emiliakent is already in the game.
SEVENTH YEAR GRYFFINDOR GIRLS! Because Gryffindors girls are hot, yo. 8D There's only 1 at the moment, so why not fill some space? ;)
FIFTH YEARS!!; there seems to be a lack of Fifth Years and we want them! Especially Fifth Year Gryffindors but that's just me being biased, you know.

Anyway, the full character list can be viewed here! and the wanted character list can be found here! Come check us out! ♥
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[23 Jun 2008|05:33pm]
Hey there. I'm Niyki. I'm 19 and have been involved in a fair few games, with a wide range of characters in my head. I'm here looking for characters for a couple of games.

I play sixth year Quintus Harper ([info]quintus) and Mandy Brocklehurst ([info]mandybydefault) over at [info]snuffbox

Quintus is snarky, egotistical, hot-headed, a Prefect, and loves to needle. However, once you get past that facade, he's a nice person underneath it who loves the few people he does love fiercely. If you wanna know more about him, check his journal for info.

I'm looking for Slytherins in his year! So far he's the only sixth year cast, so any one in his year to interact with would be a plus for me. But if you play a Vaisey or want to give a shot at girls Roper or Rivers, place a hold now right here.

In the post-hogwarts, canon-based Euterpe's Corner set in 2002, I have Demelza Robins, Liesbeth Moon and Miles Bletchley.

Demelza is desperate for flatmate Terry Boot (and Ritchie Coote, but I think I'll have better luck looking for Terry), and friend, Andrew Kirke. Someone is apping one of her closest friends, Jack Sloper, and you can't have Jack without an Andrew! Sloper and Kirke, they go together. Terry's also got a few cast former-housemates in Morag, Anthony, Cho, Roger and more.

She's a quirky and quixotic soul who is generally quite nice but has the unfortunate tendency to rant. Irrationally. She's also having her birthday on July 4, with a big, loud party inviting all her friends, all her flatmates' friends, and is amenable to just about anyone crashing. In fact, she and I have been developing links or reasons why characters might be dragged along to her party, willingly or not, inside a post on the OOC community.

She's also got a crazy cat called Marlowe - who is nothing like his namesake and exactly like the kind of critter you'd want to stick in a padded and locked room. That being said, he can be randomly affectionate, so he's not all bad news.

Additionally, she works in a cafe in London, not far from the building in which all the characters in this game live.

If Terry isn't your thing, I'm still looking for someone Demelza would actually hate, because so far she either likes everyone or doesn't know them well enough to pronounce judgement. Oh. Except for Cormac McLaggen! Whom she definitely loathes thanks to his behaviour in Half-Blood Prince.

I love to plot - SLs and backstory, both are fun - and I would consider myself a fairly friendly person. I have had a lot of experience, which you can see on my (still in progress) post.

I can be contacted at niyki on AIM.

Please comment if you have questions or want to know more! Depending on the type of character you play, I am certain we can develop some fun plots.
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[23 Jun 2008|11:05pm]
Hello my loves! My name is Zoe, and I'm a mod over at [info]potg_rpg, or Playground of the Gods. It's a Harry Potter Afterlife RPG. We're looking for a few characters right now.

  • Harry Potter

  • Frank Longbottom

  • Ron Weasley

  • Regulus Black

  • Narcissa Malfoy

We also have many other characters we're looking for, but since I play James Potter and Teddy Lupin, I reallllllly want a Harry XD Hence why I'm here. The above are the main chars we're seeking!
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