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[05 Mar 2008|03:54am]
Hello! I'm J. The character I'm looking to play is Sanguini. I guess that's a bit of a duh, considering the journal name I used. Anyway, I wouldn't be opposed to a secondary character role and so on; I'd like to role play him for some variation from the basic character groups (students/order/death eaters) from the HP mythos.

If you'd want me to place him into some affiliation group or something to play at your game, I'd be fine with that as well (I know a lot of games don't like amblers). SOOOO, please pimp to your heart's delight! I'm looking for any sort of game, but more of an emphasis on canon and 'regular AU' than the time-travel ones. Still, I will check out anything you throw at me. :)

Gellert Grindelwald is another character i'd be interested in playing, but he's my second choice. Theodore Nott is my third choice, but I wouldn't want to play him still in school, but any other era with him i'd check out.

Thank you to anyone who replies in advance.
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[05 Mar 2008|08:30am]
Hi guys! It's me again- I've been posting here a lot, I know, but you guys have been great about helping me find places for my muses!

Name: Carrah
Age: 20
Contact: Comment here, message me on AIM @ heykidbiteme, or email me [heykidbiteme[at]]

Game Fandom: Harry Potter
Genre: MWPP Canon/slightly AU. We'd like a game with a solid alumni base and plot available for characters outside of Hogwarts [especially if the Marauders are still in school].
Character: Jamie and Kayley Wood [Parents to Oliver Wood], for myself and a friend. PBs of Damon Albarn and Sophia Bush preferred, if at all possible.

What I'm Looking For
- Friendly mods
- Active members with well-developed characters and good quality writing [i.e. decent grammar and tags/responses that are longer than two lines]
- Plot is nice. Or at least players who would be open to helping me find plot for my characters.
Format: Thread/AIM based
Journal Preference: IJ preferred, will consider other journalling sites

My experience and what you should know about us:
- We have been roleplaying in various formats for a long while- we have around 15 years of experience between us.
- We can promise two well developed and active characters
- We are always willing to plot and play
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[05 Mar 2008|11:26am]
[ mood | accomplished ]

Hello, [info]find_a_player people! My name is Abby. I'm 24 years old and like long walks on the beach at sunset, cats and appletinis. If you're interested, call me at Whoops, wrong ad. Ahem.

I'm writing because I play Bev Malkin ([info]disrobed) and Fierra Moran ([info]feefiefoe) at the wonderful and glorious [info]madworldrp, and both ladies are looking for some of their friends:

Bev is mostly looking for her two remaining roommates, Theresa Yaxley (who was played before, threw a Christmas party and has/had a thing for Regulus Black!) and Agatha Timms (who has never been played, but is said to snore!). The Sixth Year Ravenclaw Girls (better known as 6RG) are a tight-knit group who, though they may disagree at times, are the very best of friends and like to pass romance novels around the dorm and giggle about the heaving bosoms. It would also be great to have the sixth year Ravenclaw boys dorm filled, as only two of them are played at the moment!

Fee seeks her very bestest best friend HannahJo Boardman (again, played before, very upbeat, friendly and a huge supporter of Quidditch) whom I know would also be a happy sight for her housemate Aiden Lynch (who secretly has a crush on her, shh!). Fee is also looking for Barry Ryan, her fellow Hufflepuff, her Quidditch captain and future World Cup Teammate (with whom she gets into a healthy number of screaming matches after particularly painful losses!). It would also be really wonderful to see more fourth years, since they are the most underrepresented group in the game right now!

The game to join is [info]madworldrp, via [info]madworldmods. We're very active, with weekly plot points that run the gamut of hilarity and tragedy, all in the course of a few hours (for example, this week is seeing an attack on the Ministry of Magic, a rather irritating assignment to promote inter-house unity, and a spell that is said to cause the derrieres of unsuspecting passersby to, ehm, grow). It's an absolute blast, and I know you'll enjoy yourself if you join!

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[05 Mar 2008|11:51am]
Hello everyone! I'm  Fi and I play Lisa Turpin and Meghan McCormack at </a></strong></a>[info]a_new_initium and they both are in desperate need for some friends! Would love someone to play any students in Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. Also the game needs some Order Members, Death Eaters, and Gryffindors! If you're interested in playing them, please come on over!
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[05 Mar 2008|11:52am]
Hello, I'm Niyki. I play a wide range of characters in all four houses and of all generations. I'm looking for a role-playing game that focuses on the use of journal entries, so please do not comment here if your game doesn't cater for that.

Things I'm looking for, not looking for and a list of characters I am interested in applying for. )
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