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A New Initium

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March 2 2010
A New Start to a New Year [

{Where} Hogwarts School
{Who} Ginny Weasley
{Tag} Anyone who wants to join
{Date} March 2nd

Sighing and pushing her red hair from her face as it fell in her eyes like it seemed to frequently do, Ginny looked up from the book she was studying in time to see an owl descend to her level. Catching the letter it was carrying, she looked around and furrowed her eyebrows thinking it odd to receive a letter this time of day when it was even mail time.

Shrugging, she reached into it and opened the letter in time see a picture of her mom and dad standing with Bill and Fleur. Smiling and reading the letter carefully, she furrowed her eyebrows as she read that her mum and dad would be staying longer than they thought, helping Fleur out with the new baby. Sighing, she shrugged then folded the letter back up "Sure, mum...dad...I'll tell Ron that...there's really no reason to come back just now..." Mumbling that, she slipped the letter back into the envelope and glanced out the window.

Truth be told, she knew that Fleur needed the help...she had never had a baby before so she knew that was a good reason for her mum to be there. But she couldn't help feeling like there was something more going on in the wizarding world than her parents were telling her. "Maybe I should call Percey or something...find out if anything's going on in the Ministry..."

March 2 2010
|[ WHO ]| Elladora Marks
|[ WHERE ]| Diagon Alley
|[ WHEN ]| Tuesday, March 2; 9:30 AM
|[ WHAT ]| Shopping
|[ OPEN ]| The more the merrier

She'd woken up this morning in a good mood... )
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January 10 2010
|[ WHO ]| Elladora Marks
|[ WHERE ]| The Street
|[ WHEN ]| Sunday; January 10; 2:30 AM
|[ WHAT ]| Walking home after closing up
|[ OPEN ]| Have at her

Ellie enjoyed the night air. The smell, the feel, the look of the early morning sky before the sun came up but the night was over. )

January 4 2010

Who: Audra, Theo, and Open to party goers
What: Annual Vaisey Christmas Party
Where: Vaisey Manor
When: Christmas Eve, about 7pm
Why: Because they know how to throw a party ;)

A Night to Remember )
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December 25 2009
|[ WHO ]| Elladora Marks
|[ WHERE ]| Dorchadas
|[ WHEN ]| Christmas, 12:00 PM
|[ WHAT ]| Ellie is working the bar for those that have nowhere to go on Christmas
|[ OPEN ]| To anyone and everyone

Elladora never minded working at Christmas. )
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