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[26 Feb 2008|09:46am]
Hello, at the moment my friend and I need a roleplay. Badly. We would adore if you could provide us with twins, or at least some form of family relations (girls preferably). It must be post potter and honestly, we are not interested in some kind overelaborate plot, because either way it never falls through. We are looking for teenage interaction, and none of the "a time warp transported the marauder era and tom riddle era into harry's". What we offer, oh you lucky gents, is a range of literacy, activity, and charisma. Not to mention spotinuty. Some examples would be this journal (folie) and (ditsyfox). Any takers?


It also must be small, thank you
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[26 Feb 2008|11:16am]
Hello all! I'm Poufy, and I play Remus Lupin over in [info]blurred_lines! Blurred Lines is an excellent and fantastically organized dark-themed First War game with a twist -- Alice and Frank Longbottom (and Neville) will be killed by Voldemort instead of the Potters, and he will survive.

That being said, there are still plenty of Death Eaters/supporters up for grabs, and most of all I would love to see a FENRIR GREYBACK, for obvious reasons. So much plot potential, especially in a game where the Death Eaters win!

And a little on the lighter side of things, the game is still in need of a JAMES POTTER and PETER PETTIGREW to complete the MWPP -- there's already a Sirius and Lily available for lots of interaction!
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[26 Feb 2008|06:43pm]
[info]worldsmod needs a Ron Weasley, and other members of the Red Headed Clan! Please, if your interested in him or even Viktor Krum! Hermione needs a love interest! So please come, place a hold and play ^_^
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[26 Feb 2008|10:42pm]
Hi! My name is Kristy and I'm looking for somewhere Harry Potter-related to play Mikailah. She actually can be just about any female character you need her for because she's been Obliviated within the last few months. I'm really looking for an elaborate storyline to fall into, so any suggestions would definitely be appreciated! Thanks!
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