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November 12th, 2018

[Nov. 12th, 2018|01:51 pm]


I really want a fake!celeb (original characters only) ship – She’s a popular actress (I'd play her) from some movie saga/book based TV show, and he’s a very popular k-pop idol/kdrama actor (you'd play him), and meet in a vacation or on set and they just click?? and they start dating in secret, traveling across the world to see each other. Something super cute and sweet, a bicultural couple that learns about each other and their country and customs and they’re just very happy, literal soulmates that managed to meet. I’d love it to be long-term, like them dating then even getting married, dealing with fame and things, and being just in love.

For faceclaim/playby, I would give you all the cookies in the world if you use Ahn Jae Hyun, Song Joong Ki or Kyuhyun (Super Junior) against me. As for her, i’m all open for suggestions, but i do have a few ideas.

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