Find writing partners for your psls or communites. - October 9th, 2018 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Writers Wanted

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October 9th, 2018

[Oct. 9th, 2018|05:24 am]


I'm in a new game ([info]2minutes) and I'm looking for someone to take up a partner for what is basically a police officer who keeps up with metahumans. There's a lot of other lines that other folks want to be filled so you can always take a look while you're looking at mine.

TL;DR: Gabe is stuck in an area of NYC with the highest population of folks with superhuman powers and he's having trouble keeping up. He's been putting in requests for assistance from the state office and, hopefully, they let him have a partner. The line would start out totally as a work thing, but it can move to being friends or more if you want. I'd just like to see more action in the game with my guy and having his new partner would be amazing.
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