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March 10th, 2015

[Mar. 10th, 2015|11:37 am]


[info]slushees, a Glee role play experience that allows you the opportunity to decide what happens! Pick your favorite character and determine what their fate will be.

Currently we are looking for: Artie Abrams, Mike Chang, Dave Karofsky, Mercedes Jones, Jesse St. James, Unique Adams, Roderick, Alistair, Jane, Mason & Madison, Kitty Wilde, Marley Rose, Vocal Adrenaline's Clint, Brody Weston, Thad Harwood, Nick Duval & Hunter Clarington, the new Warblers, Adam Crawford, Joe Hart, Cooper Anderson, Sugar Motta, and more. Apply here!
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Obscure fandoms! [Mar. 10th, 2015|05:56 pm]
[mood | curious]

Check out my most wanted page; I'm looking for PSLs or potentially small GPLs for Osmosis Jones, Lionhead's Fable III, Robin Hobb's Elderlings.

I shouldn't have to ask, but due to past issues with people not reading anything or respecting their partners: please first read my profile in full, my RP samples, and have your own RP samples on hand before contacting me. We can't say hullo and begin brainstorming if we don't know how we write, and if we click.
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Looking for a game. [Mar. 10th, 2015|06:37 pm]


[mood | hopeful]

Hello! My name is Julia and I am looking for a home for Albus Severus Potter. I have played him at various ages over the years, but I'd like to stick between ages 15 to 20 for the moment. I realize Harry Potter specific games are rare these days (and I didn't see one where he is currently available) so I am open to pan-fandom games that have patience for a newbie to that world. You can get a feel for him here. I also play him extensively at [info]mostlypotter. I use Logan Lerman as the PB so bonus points for the face being available.

I am well over legal age in all countries, on EST, and fairly active although I have a full-time job so I am not on every day (just most).

Feel free to leave me a comment if you like! ♥
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[Mar. 10th, 2015|10:48 pm]
I'm looking to fill a science fiction and dystopian mix PSL. It involves aliens and surrogacy, though the focus ideally would be on characters enduring, angst, and world building. Gore and emotional manipulation are options. I have the basic details of what I'm thinking, so check the journal for details. I'll play either role.

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