Find writing partners for your psls or communites. - November 27th, 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Writers Wanted

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November 27th, 2014

Shamelessly x-posted [Nov. 27th, 2014|02:16 am]


Dragon Age lines, anyone? Most interested in playing Aramiel, my OC who is either a Dalish Mage looking for his vanished Keeper or is a Knight Enchanter faithful to the Chantry in the wake of the Mage-Templar War. Information about him is here, and I'd love anyone who can help him track down his Keeper or engage in Chantry dynamics with him. Also interested in writing Vivienne in either pre/post Inquisition or during the game itself. Val Royeaux politics are fascinating, as are the implications of trying to pick up the pieces of the Circle for reform. I enjoy using the game timeline as a backdrop for sociopolitical context while carving out new storylines and scenarios.

I'd especially love to have a Cullen, Fenris, Varric, Iron Bull, or Dorian against either of these two. Original characters are also awesome. I think it would be really fun to write agents of the Inquisition, like the ones you send out on missions via the war room.
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