Find writing partners for your psls or communites. - April 27th, 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Writers Wanted

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April 27th, 2014

[Apr. 27th, 2014|10:11 am]


So I'm trying to gauge interest in a potential RPG before my friend and I start working on it. Expressing interest is no commitment to join, we just want to know if it would b e worth it to work on it. So if it's something you think you'd consider joining, please let me know (if you know anyone else who might be interested, feel free to send them this way as well. The more interest, the more likely it is to happen.)

The idea is a panfandom game set at Hogwarts. Characters would be sorted into living arrangements in one of the four houses, depending on their personality (you will select the house on the app).

Just a few details about the game: )
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