Find writing partners for your psls or communites. - November 5th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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November 5th, 2012

[Nov. 5th, 2012|03:24 am]
I'd like to write a darker sci-fi PSL idea based around the idea of a person being an involuntary alien surrogate. It's a "pregnancy" line in the physical aspects, though it could be taken a number of routes depending on preference, but the focus would be on the psychological manipulation of the surrogate, the mental break of the "helper" role, as well as the overall character growth and their dynamic.

A second "helper" role would be a sleeper agent sent to break the surrogate out with intent to help. The "helper" would be infected by one of the very species of aliens the surrogate is hosting. They would start to hurt instead of help the surrogate, working to further their surrogacy through psychological manipulation toward complacency and acceptance. My main desire in writing these lines is to get some angst sci-fi fix by playing something dark that can't happen.

(fake lj-cut for more)
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[Nov. 5th, 2012|04:47 am]


More Firefly characters for [info]valar! I'd especially love to see a Kaylee Frye and a River Tam.

Here, have a shirtless Sean Maher icon to try to convince you. =D
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[Nov. 5th, 2012|03:46 pm]
Opening a new GPSL. No update limits. Just write and have fun! Check us out today! )
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