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Writers Wanted

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July 30th, 2012

[Jul. 30th, 2012|02:10 am]
I'm looking for a Dean Winchester for my Jo. Sam works too, if you'd rather. It doesn't have to be a romantic line. But of course she's still going to have her crush. I just want to play her as if she were brought back, reasons not quite known to her yet. I would like the drama, some development to the story, and a good writing partner. Leave me a comment in my journal, please!
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[Jul. 30th, 2012|06:08 pm]


Something new! With the amazing success of The Glee Project as well as our graduates heading in different directions WMHS is looking to grow in a more artistically freeing direction. If you enjoy writing original characters, try your hand at one of the Glee Project (past and present) cast members.

WMHS has been going strong for the last eight months and is looking to expand its talent base. If you are interested in writing with active, dedicated, funny and friendly people who love Glee and the characters associated with the show as much as you do, our small group may be for you.

Wanted: Artie Abrams, Jake Puckerman, Brody Weston, Will Schuester, Emma Pillsbury, and The Warblers: Thad, David, Flint & Wes.

Or if you would like to explore something a little more challenging and meaty character wise, we are actively looking to fill the roles of: Chandler Kiehl, David Karofsky, Wade "Unique" Adams, Harmony Pearce, Cassandra July, David Martinez, Sue Sylvester, Lauren Zizes, Shannon Beiste, Holly Holliday, & Carmen Tibideaux.

Our writers are all active, friendly, converse on aim, comment, participate in group chats & activities (currently we are writing the production of RENT) and scene regularly. Interested? Click here. We would love to have you!
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[Jul. 30th, 2012|08:31 pm]


This is something of a longshot given the specific-ness of this request, but looking for a character for a specific game. Info behind the cut!

Line info here )

As for a player, I'd like someone who's active in games and won't flake out, and also who will be active with the game as a whole and not just in it for this line alone (I know, I know, I'm picky!). And who is familiar with Harry Potter/HP RPs, naturally.

Anyway, comments are screened. So if you have questions/thoughts, let me know. :)
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[Jul. 30th, 2012|10:12 pm]
Werewolves please? OC-centric, plot-driven, not interested in lines with just females please.
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slowly falling [Jul. 30th, 2012|11:40 pm]


like a shipwreck we die inward, like smothering in our hearts, like slowly falling from our skin down to our soul.* )
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