Find writing partners for your psls or communites. - July 18th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Writers Wanted

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July 18th, 2012

[Jul. 18th, 2012|11:05 am]
I'd like to write a darker sci-fi PSL idea based around the idea of a person being used as an involuntary alien surrogate, the two characters being the surrogate and a "helper" role. The helper would be the person who breaks them out of the place they're being held. The "helper" would be infected by one of the very aliens the surrogate is hosting, or somehow manipulated by the aliens, so they would start to try and turn on the surrogate to further their surrogacy through psychological manipulation toward complacency.

I would prefer something along the lines of an actual "pregnancy." I'm thinking something darker, not a fluffy line where a boy and girl set up house while she's an alien surrogate. My main desire in writing these lines is to get some angst sci-fi fix by playing something that can't happen.

(fake lj-cut for more basic details!)

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Looking for Assassins (And Others!) [Jul. 18th, 2012|04:30 pm]
[info]valar is an Alternate Universe based on reclaimed memories and general shenanigans. The diversity of the cast is amazing, but I'm hoping to find a few more Assassins (or even Templars, you jerks) to hang out with Altaïr. Because I'm selfish.

For a complete game concept, plot, cast and other various and sundry information, check out [info]valar's marked posts or hit me up via PM. Hoping hugely for the following characters:

* Ezio Auditore da Firenze
* Desmond Miles
* Harry Potter
* Tychus Findley (Starcraft)
* Anders (Dragon Age II)
* Emma Swan (Once Upon A Time)

We'd also love more characters from the Marvel, DC, Leverage, Sailor Moon, Warehouse 13 and Song of Ice & Fire fandoms. Can't wait to see you!
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