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Writers Wanted

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December 28th, 2011

[Dec. 28th, 2011|05:00 am]
I have Lavender Brown here, who is, quite frankly, the most adorable thing on the planet. The attack from Greyback left her both emotionally and physically scarred, not to mention her family life was a mess to begin with. She's currently horrified at herself because she thought she was in love with Cormac due to Amortentia, and she spent a good two weeks snogging his face off, but she is currently thanking her lucky stars that she didn't lose her v-card to that loathsome creep.

So what does she need?

A Seamus Finnigan, because she's had a major crush on his since Hogwarts and they're good friends. She wouldn't mind him turning out to be her soul-mate, especially since her Mun is evol and is considering pairing her off with Cormac to annoy her. And Lavender really doesn't want that because he's one of the few people she truly hates. Plus, Dean is in-game and he really wants his best mate around for epic bromance. They are the two hottest guys from school, after all. And speaking of amazing friendships, she really needs Parvati Patil, her B.F.F., around to open up to about all of the feelings that she has inside.

Lavender also wouldn't mind seeing Neville Longbottom around, so Hannah can throw herself at him instead of Seamus (plus, Hannah's so far in love with Neville it kind of disgusts Lavender), Harry Potter so Ginny and Dean don't end up shacking up (and saving poor Luna for heartbreak), and others than you can find by visiting [info]amortentiamods where love is the name of the game and we have enough Gryffindor and Slytherins to keep the snark, sass, and hilarity in play to keep everyone amused. So come on over because the game truly does kick-ass and Lavender needs more peeps to play with, yo.
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[Dec. 28th, 2011|07:48 am]
Anyone interested in rping the male with a Mick Jagger or David Bowie face? Will even return the favor and play a line for you, face doesn't matter if I can get a long term, dedicated threading partner!
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[Dec. 28th, 2011|10:20 am]


Love Glee? Love role playing? Our Glee group psl is looking for Rory, Shelby(our Puck is lonely!), Warblers, Emma, Harmony and more. Our writers are all active, friendly, chat on aim and scene regularly. Interested? Click here. We would love to have you!
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