Find writing partners for your psls or communites. - December 26th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Writers Wanted

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December 26th, 2011

[Dec. 26th, 2011|03:29 am]
Looking for an AIM-based psl in which I play the husband half of a slightly older het couple who have recently decided to try and have kids. I'll be playing a Johnny Depp pb. We could do it celeb(au), or just use play-bys.

Reach me on AIM at: shatteryourscene.
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[Dec. 26th, 2011|04:31 pm]


Warblers, you are desperately wanted by Sebastian and I at [info]prinfiggins
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[Dec. 26th, 2011|10:51 pm]


A cross between the movie and the show, our game takes place in the near future. Where nano technology is the newest weapon. Dr. Mindbender works with Cobra Commander using his nanites to ensure world domination. The Baroness' brother was killed and caused her journey to the Cobra Commander. For now, at least, the presidency is still safe. the team known only as GI Joe has two new members and is in a constant battle to stop Cobra Commander and his army from taking over the world.

So this is the world we live in and not everyone knows how dangerous it is. How close they are to losing all they know to a new force. It's time to take a stand, pick a side, before it picks you. Now you know what is really standing between us, and total domination.

Holds // Characters Wanted // Taken
Mod Journal // IC Journal // OOC Journal

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