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December 9th, 2011

[Dec. 9th, 2011|12:10 am]


Desperately searching for Mike, Tina, Mercedes, Rory, Warblers, Will Schuester, Emma Pillsbury, Dave Karofsky, Sugar Motta, and Harmony for a small, Glee group psl. More information click here or comment for more details.
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Potterverse PSL (or game)? [Dec. 9th, 2011|12:41 am]


I'm looking for a PSL or game (any era) where I could play a female character (PB Rosario Dawson, no specifics yet) opposite a male Death Eater in a mixed race situation. This could be romantic or familial, but there should be a bond in place. The crazier/darker the male, the better. I'm not too picky about played bys, but please know I intend to use Rosario, for either a canon or original (should they be allowed). She could be used for a character from age 20-30, so there are options, depending on the era of the plot. I'm extremely interested in the idea of doing a storyline reflective of the Scorpio/Taurus dynamic; aka Hades/Persephone, or a modern version of the Phantom/Christine.

Canons I could use her for:
- Angelina Johnson
- The Patils (either)
- Roxanne Weasley
- Hestia Jones
- Nondescript canons (Bathsheda Babbling, Susan Bones, Mandy Brocklehurst, Sara Fawcett, "Moon", a half-sibling of Blaise or Dean, etc)

Original Characters (ex-Puff or Gryff, most likely):
Diagon Alley fix-it girl/"scamp"
Distracted!novelist/ex-Order member
Shopkeeper/clerk @ Magical Menagerie, Flourish & Blotts or WWW...

Mostly, though, I'm just looking to get back into the swing of things with Harry Potter roleplay, and I'm fairly keen on using mixed race played bys, mostly because I believe minorities are underrepresented in the Potterverse, and well, I am one. So, I don't have to have much from the wish list above, anything would rock. I prefer to play male characters, usually, but for this story arc, I'd like to do the woman's role. If any other characters are needed in whatever game I can fit in to, I'd be more than happy to pick up a handful of wanted canons (male Weasleys, male Death Eaters, etc).


P.S. My visual list of characters is here and my info/plots are here.
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[Dec. 9th, 2011|11:24 am]


Check it please! I'm really craving a fairy tale or mythology line right now.
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[Dec. 9th, 2011|05:02 pm]


Looking for long-term PSLs (lots of different fandoms!). A list is here so I don't break anyone's f'list.
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[Dec. 9th, 2011|05:41 pm]



see the light

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